Veterans Of Harvey County

We thank all of the Veterans who have enlisted from, or lived in, Harvey County, Kansas.  To see a list of who they are, and to learn more about them, take a look here.

Harvey County Memorial Database

Every former resident of Harvey County should have a page.  Help us keep this up-to-date!

150 Years Ago In Harvey County

150 Years Ago in 1871 was a wild time in this newly forming county!  The first gun battle took place in April of 1871 and the shooting didn’t stop there!  Take a look at the real life stories of the Old West, right here in Harvey County.

In honor of Harvey County’s 145th Anniversary in 2018, the Harvey County Genealogical Society is seeking to honor every former & current Harvey County resident by adding biographies, photographs, obituaries, etc. to their individual tribute page in the Harvey County Database. This will include family connections within the database.

If your ancestor has chosen to make Harvey County his/her final resting place, we are especially interested in making sure their lives are truly honored, and never forgotten. Your memories and their memoirs are needed. You can either edit their memorial page directly in the database, or send your information to the Society and we will enter it for you. The most important thing is that their biographies are written soon – before the memories become history lost in time.

Harvey County Genealogy is a labor of love – centered around those who have called Harvey County their home. We are calling for everyone to make a commitment in 2018 to honor 145 years of Harvey County history by seriously helping fill the memorial tribute database.

Honor Your Ancestors!

We need your photos!

We need your biographies!

We need your obituaries!

We need your stories!

To Honor Your Ancestors, We Need Your Help!

The Harvey County Genealogical Society is a non-profit organization formed in 2005, by people just like you who have an interest in Genealogy and Family History.  We seek to coordinate the effort among the various individuals and organizations of the County in making the resources in the County easier to use – preserving our information for future generations of Family Historians.

The Mission of the Harvey County Genealogical Society is to unite individuals who are interested in the study of genealogy and history; to assist its members in tracing and preserving genealogical records; to collect and preserve genealogical and historical materials and make them available to everyone; to educate and promote interest in genealogical research to Harvey Countians; and to foster accurate documentation of our Harvey County history and pioneer ancestry.

The advantage of joining together in Society is to provide an official resource and point of contact for genealogical documentation and preservation, as well as to communicate with, encourage, and assist one another, and to share ideas and resources – both for Harvey County research and for research throughout the country.

Many counties struggle to find, collect, & distribute Genealogical Resources because there is no centralized society established for coordination and collaboration.  Thus you find many different people doing many different things, usually only partially successful, coming and going, and retaining “rights” to their work.  This results in only piecemeal documentation, at best.  The Harvey County Genealogical Society seeks to combine the efforts of all Family Historians and Genealogists in the County, preventing duplication and maximizing collaboration across organizations and individual interests throughout Harvey County.