From Pleasant Township

The rain of the 12th just, was the heaviest that has been known in this part of the county for the last six years.  It carried away three bridges on the west branch of Whitewater, and damaged the fourth one so that it is useless at present.  On the road running on the south line of section 22, there was two bridges; three Mennonites who were in a wagon undertook to drive across one of them, which was then overflowed with water.  One of the horses went off the bridge, but they were finally got out , and started for the other bridge about two miles above.  One of the men thinking of something left in the wagon, and returned to it, getting what he wanted, accidentally stepped back off the bridge into the rapid water below, and was drowned.  The deceased was an old man by the name of Jacob Foot.  His body was recovered on Sunday, about a mile below.  The funeral will take place to-day, May 14, 1877.  The Newton Kansan, Newton, Kansas.  Thursday, May 17, 1877.  Page 2.