Not On The Program.  One rather amusing incident occurred on the day of the A.H.T.A. picnic which was not down on the program.  A couple of strangers approached a group of thirsty looking youths and offered to exchange so much fire-water for so many pieces of silver.  It was necessary, however, that the silver be paid in advance.  The money was handed over and the strangers departed to get the liquor.

They failed to return, and after waiting for some time, the thirsty boys instituted a search for them.  After a long search and a still longer chase they were captured and incarcerated in the city bastille.

When the case came up for hearing before his honor, Judge Kohnle, the prisoners were discharged for the reason that no one was willing to make complaint against them.  They boys who were fleeced had decided that the experience was worth the price they had paid for it and let it go at that.  The Burrton Free-Lance.  Thursday, August 31, 1911.  Page 1.  (c) Transcribed by Darren McMannis for the Harvey County Genealogical Society.