Brought War Hero Here For Burial. Albert was born October 8, 1890 at Halstead, Kansas. In 1914 he moved to Oklahoma, residing near Mineo. He joined the colors in September 1917, departing from El Reno, Oklahoma, to Camp Travis, San Antonio, Texas. In May 1918 he reached the battle front and was killed in action July 30, 1918, and buried temporarily in the Aisne Cemetery in France.

As requested the body was delivered to his mother, arriving last Friday, and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon. The Rev. W.C. Droegemueller, Lutheran Pastor, of Newton officiated both in the Chapel and at the grave. Albion W. Ruth Post No. 221, American Legion, turned out in a body and conducted the funeral in regular military fashion. The new Colors of the Post were used for the first time and were freely commented upon as being fine.

The deceased attained an age of 27 years, 9 months, and 22 days. He is mourned by his mother, Susanna Wegner Thomas, 3 brothers, and 3 sisters. He is buried in Halstead Cemetery. The Halstead Independent, Halstead, Kansas. Thursday, August 11, 1921. Page 4.

Albert’s HCGS Memorial Tribute Database Page is here: Albert Wegner