Private Burton Elmer Cochran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellsworth & Fannie May Cochran, of Pleasant township, Harvey county, was born October 19, 1893. He was reared to young manhood on the farm, and was called to the colors of his country July 15, 1918.
He was sent to Manhattan and later to the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to take training in leadership in band work, where he contracted Spanish Influenza, which developed into pneumonia, which caused his death on October 14, 1918.
Another brother was in training at Camp Funston, and went to Pittsburg, being with Private Cochran when he died. His body was brought to Newton, and it being at the time of the epidemic general closing, the funeral was quietly held,, friends gathering at Greenwood Cemetery, where interment was made October 18, 1918. The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas. Monday, May 19, 1919. Page 3. (c) Harvey County Genealogical Society.
Burton Cochran’s HCGS Memorial Tribute Database page is found here: Burton Cochran