The funeral of Willard Gray McLane, who died from bronchial pneumonia while in service in France and whose body was received a few days ago, was held at the Methodist Church in Walton, Kansas, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Services were in charge of the Wayne G. Austin Post of the American Legion assisted by Rev. Beulah, Pastor at Walton and Dr. Campbell of Sterling College. Interment took place in the Walton Cemetery.
Willard McLane was born in Newton, March 27, 1896. He went from this city to Hutchinson. Upon answering his call to colors in the great World War in 1918, he was sent to Camp Funston, Kansas, and on June 5, 1918, was assigned to the 339th Field Artillery, 88th Division. On July 3, his company was transferred to Fort Dodge, Iowa, thence to Hoboken, New Jersey, from where it sailed August 22, 1918.
It was while he was attending artillery school in Cleremont Ferrand, France, he was stricken ill of bronchial pneuonia which resulted in his death at the Base Hospital at Royat, October 18, 1918. He was laid to rest in the American Cemetery in France, October 19, with all the honor and ceremony due a true American soldier who had given his life for his country.
In a letter of consolation written the father, William McLane at Fowler, Kansas, the Chaplain of Soldier McLane’s regiment had the following to say: “Your son proved himself to be a good soldier. His willingness to heed instruction and obey commands won for him the highest respect of the officers; and his kind and jovial spirit won him the love of all the men in the company. He was a true friend and a most agreeable companion. He was in all respects the type and exempler of the best American spirit and action.”
The Legion Post at Fowler, the home of the deceased’s parents and his home at the time he was called to service is named the Weaver-McLane Post for the two first from that place who gave their lives for the cause, and each Memorial Day the Legion decorates and holds its memorial service at the two mounds in the cemetery.
Willard Grey McLane leaves to cherish his memory his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLane, and a brother who reside in Fowler, and many friends. The Newton Weekly Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas. Monday, June 6, 1921. Page 2. (c) Harvey County Genealogical Society.
Willard’s HCGS Memorial Tribute Database page is found here: Willard McLane