Police say a decomposed body found under a bridge in rural central Kansas is a 5-year-old boy who has been missing since February. The Sedgwick County coroner’s office has identified the body of a child as that of Lucas Hernandez. Police say the boy’s identity was confirmed through an autopsy and dental records. Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay said that the 5-year-old’s stepmother, Emily Glass, led a private investigator named David Marshburn to the remains, which were hidden under a bridge on a gravel road east of Sedgwick City, about 20 miles north of Wichita in Harvey County. Glass reported
Lucas missing Feb. 17, saying she fell asleep after a shower and woke up to find him missing. She has not been charged in his disappearance. The boy’s father, Jonathan Hernandez, was not at home when his son disappeared. Court documents revealed that Lucas had been seen with bruises – including one that looked the shape of a clothing iron – and other physical injuries multiple times in the year before he disappeared. In January, about a month before Lucas disappeared, a school nurse said that he came to school with so many injuries to his face that he looked like he’d been in a fight. Police had been called to the child’s home multiple times for incidents involving violence between Glass and the boy’s father. (May 25, 2018).