NFPC is a member of the Presbyterian Church USA.

The current Mission Statement of First Presbyterian states: ” We are a A caring community glorifying God by living in His grace through Jesus Christ. We are learning what it means to live together – and get along with people (like me!) who are “God’s sandpaper” sent to smooth out our rough edges!  We celebrate our milestones and victories together.  We lean on each other in the crises of life.  We dance at weddings and sing at funerals.  We’ll fix your dinner when the baby comes and tell you our stories about our parenting mistakes to give you confidence!  We’ll be there to help you up when you fall and we’ll ask you to give us a hand up At FPC we understand that we do life better when we do it together because no one alone is as strong as all of us together.  We try to remember who we were before God called us to follow after Jesus – and we know that God isn’t finished with us yet.”  

Website: First Presbyterian Church