A Terrible Tale of Suffering. A German living on Sand Creek, six miles above the mouth, started with his two little boys, fourteen and twelve years old, for the Chikaskia, after a load of wood. Traveling in an unsettled country, he lost his way. They started on Saturday and wandered until Monday morning. On Sunday night their sufferings were terrible. The father cut long grass with his penknife and covered the boys; he at intervals would run around to get a little warmth in his almost frozen body. The cruel night finally came to an end, and the man recognized his locality and knew that he was about five miles from his home. After getting to the fire and thawing out, they found that they were frozen to the knees. They will probably lose their legs. The only food they had was their little dog, which they killed and ate. The Wichita Beacon, Wichita, Kansas. Reprinted in the Harvey County News, Newton, Kansas. February 8, 1877. Page 4.