A Sad, Fatal Accident

Word reached us late yesterday afternoon from Sedgwick City of a most distressing accident which brought a painfully agonizing death to a very bright boy, the pride and hope of a home.  Mr. and Mrs. Pasley, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ash, of this city, for some time, had gone to the country for a few days’ pleasurable visiting, taking with them their son Earle, ten years of age.  It seems the little fellow was riding a horse which from fright or other sudden and unexpected cause threw Earle, whose foot was caught and held fast in the stirrup.  Before any relief or succor was possible the manly little fellow was thus dragged and bruised until life had become extinct.  His body was buried yesterday at Sunnydale.  His parents must now return to their home in Lincoln, Neb., to a home rendered desolate, with its sunlight and happiness all gone; return with broken hearts to familiar scenes that will mock them with memories which will touch and cloud with sadness all their future.  (The Wichita Daily Eagle, Wichita Kansas.  August 27, 1891.  Page 5).