Body Of Infant Girl Found In Creek
The city police and county authorities are investigating the finding of the body of a new-born babe in Sand Creek, near Third Street, about four o’clock Thursday afternoon.  The gruesome discovery was made by Mrs. Abbie Nelson, a colored lady residing at 117 North Elm street, and her daughter, Mrs. Cox, who were fishing near the spot. They were shocked when they saw what appeared to be the body of a baby, and hastened on foot to the police station with a report of what they had found. Chief C. H. Sherman called the Moody Funeral Home, and summoned the city fireman to the scene. The little body was removed from its watery grave and on authorization of County authorities was prepared and given a Christian burial by Rex M. Moody.  The officer state that the child was a white girl baby that had never been dressed, but was a fully matured child and probably weighed about seven or 8 pounds. In the judgment of Dr. A. S. Hawkey, county coroner, the baby had been in the water three or four days. There were no marks of violence on it, nor the least means of identification whatever.  The officers are making every effort to solve the mystery of the crime, but obviously have but little upon which to establish clues as a basis of investigation. There was evidence that a regular physician had not been in attendance.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton, Kansas.  Thursday, April 24, 1919. Page 1.