Sgt. Robert Parker Was Drowned

Former Newton Man Met Death in North Carolina.  Staff Sgt. Robert G. Parker was accidentally drowned off the beach of Camp Davis, North Carolina, relatives were advised by the War Department today.  A former resident of Newton, Sgt. Parker had been in the service nearly two years, and at the time of his death was sergeant of motor pool at Headquarters Battery at Camp Davis, where he had been stationed for a year and a half.  He is survived by his wife and son Bobby, age 16; a brother Howard L. Parker of Wichita and four sisters, Mrs. Carl Graham of Wichita; Mrs. Henry Hansen and Mrs. James Briggs of Newton and Mrs. Martin Hansen of Peabody.  Funeral services will be held in Newton, the time and date to be announced in a later issue of the Kansan by Duff and Son, who are in charge of arrangements.  The Evening Kansan-Republican, Newton Kansas. Tuesday, September 12, 1944. Page 1.