HCGS Obituaries

Currently there are over 5,000 obituaries listed in the Biographical Database, and over 500 obituaries listed here in our Obituary Database..  They will eventually all be located in both locations, but at this time you should check both here and in the Database.

Obituary Database

If you are unable to find it here (yet) you should check the following sources.  P.S. – please help us by transcribing the obituaries you find elsewhere and email them to us!  Thank you….


Newton Public Library Newton Newspaper Obituary Index

Mennonite Library & Archives Obituary Index

MennoniteUSA Obituary Index

HCGS Obituaries

Obituaries Are Also Contained Here.  These can be located by using the “Search” feature.

Jamison Daniel Bonham

The Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office has identified a man killed in a motorcycle crash near Valley Center on Tuesday as 30-year-old Jamison Bonham, of Newton.  The sheriff's office says its preliminary investigation indicates Jamison was riding north on Broadway and...

~ Duane F. McGinn

One person is dead after a structure fire July 20 at the McGinn residence at 1216 South Spring Lake Road east of Halstead. At about 10:09 a.m. a 911 call was made that there was a fire at the location. “We came out on a structure fire with a possible entrapment,” said...

Shane Batterman

Shane Michael Batterman, 33, of Newton passed away on Friday (July 6, 2018) from a heart attack caused by drugs and alcohol use. He was born October 10, 1984, in Newton, the son of Wade and Bobbie (Rivera) Batterman.  Shane grew up in Newton and attended Newton Bible...

William L. Allen

William L. Allen, son of Amasa and Rhoda Quite Allen was born July 21, 1897 on a farm southeast of Sedgwick and departed this life in the Veteran's Hospital in Wichita on July 28, 1961, age 64 years 7 days. He died of injuries received in an automobile accident west...