by Darren McMannis | Dec 13, 1910 | Meaningless Motives, Murder, Roadside Remains
Officer’s Pistol Used Last Night At half past two o’clock this afternoon information from Axtell Hospital is to the effect that Mr. Miller is resting easy. However, the authorities in charge gave practically no hope for his recovery. With a bullet wound entirely...
by Darren McMannis | Jun 29, 1909 | Family Quarrels, Murder, Roadside Remains
Murder At Burrton C.B. Guist Killed and Body Thrown Into a Slough. The citizens of Burrton and vicinity have been thrown into a state of frantic excitement over a murder committed there Monday night or Tuesday morning, and it is probable that inside of the next...
by Darren McMannis | Jul 13, 1901 | Family Quarrels, Murder, Roadside Remains
Shocking Tragedy. Oma Beers, Returning Home Saturday Night, Slain By Herbert Shacklett The Dead Bodies of the Young Lady and Her Slayer Were Discovered About Three Miles West of the City Four Shots Were Required to End the Life of the Beautiful Girl Slayer Shot...
by Darren McMannis | Jul 1, 1898 | Murder, Murderers Caught Here
Murderer Captured Newton, Kans., July 1 – Thomas Moore, alias William Light, a negro, wanted in Dyersburg, Tenn., for murder in the first degree, was captured Tuesday morning at Halstead. Moore came to Halstead about two weeks ago, and soon after obtained work in the...
by Darren McMannis | Feb 14, 1895 | Family Quarrels, Murder
Brutally Murdered Tom Williams Killed by Pat Rickman. Williams too Attentive to Rickman’s Wife. An exciting scene occurred on Main street in this city this morning at 10 o’clock. The report of two pistol shots aroused the attention of those in the vicinity of Main...
by Darren McMannis | Aug 1, 1894 | Murder, Random Robbery, Roadside Remains
A Negro Bum Killed Dan Dupree, a colored tough well known to the Topeka police, in company with two other colored men of similar character, entered a box car in a Santa Fe train at Newton, Monday evening, with the intent to beat their way to Wichita. They were...