by Darren McMannis | Jul 17, 2018 | Shooting Accidents
Gunshot Accidents In Harvey County, Kansas Rifles and pistols have always been prevalent in Harvey County since the day the first settler spent the night. The early cowboys shot their pistols for sport, while the farmers who followed used their rifles for shooting...
by Darren McMannis | Jan 25, 1931 | Accidents, Old News, Shooting Accidents
Body Is Found Of Boy Shot While Hunting. After twelve hours search the body of Clyde Redgate, 19, was found late yesterday in a grove northwest of the city, a shot gun wound in the chest. With his father and an uncle the boy went crow hunting Saturday night. When he...
by Darren McMannis | Dec 3, 1903 | Shooting Accidents
Jap Weathers, southeast of town had an accident one day last week, and is indeed fortunate to escape without injury. While shooting his shot gun one of the barrels exploded, tearing a big hole in the barrel and breaking the frame of the gun. The gun was almost a...
by Darren McMannis | Jul 28, 1887 | Shooting Accidents
Accidentally Shot. L.V. Carpenter, an employee in the carriage factory, was accidentally shot with a revolver last evening by L.A. Sutfin at the residence of C.W. Smithpeter on West South Second street. Mr. S. was engaged in removing the cartridges from the chamber...
by Darren McMannis | Jul 5, 1877 | Shooting Accidents
Shot And Killed. Last Tuesday evening about 8 o’clock, a man named Daniel Daugherty, aged about 24 years, shot and killed himself just south of the railroad round house in this city, and west of what is known as the two water tank tubs. As to the apparent...