by Darren McMannis | Aug 31, 1911 | Alcohol, Old News
Not On The Program. One rather amusing incident occurred on the day of the A.H.T.A. picnic which was not down on the program. A couple of strangers approached a group of thirsty looking youths and offered to exchange so much fire-water for so many pieces of silver. ...
by Marty Fuller | Jul 24, 1900 | Alcohol, Police Court
Witnesses in the Charles Heddy Liquor Trial at Burton Badly Rattled BURRTON – The case against Charles Heddy, charged with bootlegging at Burrton, came to an abrupt termination yesterday morning. The four principal witnesses for the State could not “get...
by Marty Fuller | Apr 20, 1882 | Alcohol, Police Court
NEWTON – The court last Friday sentenced Lewis Kurtz, druggist, two hundred dollars and cost for selling liquor contrary to law and keeping a nuisance, and in default of its payment was sent to jail where he now languishes. The Newton Kansan, Newton...
by Marty Fuller | Mar 3, 1881 | Alcohol, Old News
NEWTON – The order of Mayor Love last Thursday, that all saloons in the city be finally closed that night, was obeyed since which the above named luxuries have ceased to exist. Quite a wholesale business was done by the saloons and drug stores on Thursday,...
by Marty Fuller | Mar 3, 1881 | Alcohol
NEWTON – The order of Mayor Love last Thursday, that all saloons in the city be finally closed that night, was obeyed since which the above named luxuries have ceased to exist. Quite a wholesale business was done by the saloons and drug stores on Thursday,...