
   Name   Location 
1.Greenwood CemeteryHarvey County
2.Burrton CemeteryHarvey County
3.Halstead City CemeteryHarvey County
4.Walton CemeteryHarvey County
5.Hillside CemeteryHarvey County
6.St. Mary's Catholic CemeteryHarvey County
7.Whitewater CemeteryHarvey County
8.Hunt-Shive CemeteryHarvey County
9.Hebron CemeteryHarvey County
10.Hesston CemeteryHarvey County
11.Eastlawn CemeteryHarvey County
12.Church of God of the FirstbornHarvey County
13.Missionary Church CemeteryHarvey County
14.Royer CemeteryHarvey County
15.Popkins (Old Halstead) CemeteryHarvey County
16.Star CemeteryHarvey County
17.Grace Hill Mennonite CemeteryHarvey County
18.Lorentz-Shellenberg Family CemeteryHarvey County
19.Fairview CemeteryHarvey County
20.Old Walton CemeteryHarvey County
21.Restlawn Gardens of MemoryHarvey County
22.Garden Church CemeteryHarvey County
23.Highland CemeteryHarvey County
24.Garden Township - FarnsworthHarvey County
25.Garden View Mennonite CemeteryHarvey County
26.Kemper CemeteryHarvey County
27.Schlender CemeteryHarvey County
28.Swiss Church CemeteryButler County
29.Shalom Mennonite ColumbariumKansas, Harvey County
30.St. Matthew's Episcopal ColumbariumKansas, Harvey County
31.Halstead MausoleumKansas, Harvey County


Matches 151 to 200 of 28926

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
151 ?, John ?  Unknown I4080
152 ?, John C   I11643
153 ?, John F  Unknown I11618
154 ?, John S   I557
155 ?, Lulie   I12376
156 ?, Nina May   I558
157 ?, R N  15 Sep ? I6898
158 ?, Reba J  1919 I13744
159 ?, Richard H   I559
160 ?, Ruth E   I12299
161 ?, Selby   I12586
162 ?, Sylvia Marie   I11746
163 ?, William Lee  1898 I560
164 Abbey, Patra D  15 Oct 1896 I563
165 Abbott, Emma F (Hall)  1856 I33913
166 Abbott, Francis M  11 Dec 1876 I15681
167 Abbott, L D   I33914
168 Abbott, Margaret F (Hemphill)  1887 I33911
169 Abbott, Matilda (Cowgill)   I33915
170 Abel, Christopher Lee   I44324
171 Abel, Patricia Jean (Skinner)   I41960
172 Abel, Riley Eugene Sr  16 Dec 1939 I41959
173 Abell, Anna Helen  14 Mar 1883 I15682
174 Abernathy, John Robert  21 Nov 1930 I13009
175 Abeyta, John  30 Sep 1926 I16140
176 Abney, Cleve J  1899 I15683
177 Abney, Clyde Asa  1905 I15684
178 Abplanalp, Thomas  20 Jan 1906 I37048
179 Abraham, Bradley Cecil  25 May 1947 I15687
180 Abrahams, Bevel Dee  11 Dec 1949 I15686
181 Abrahams, Cathy (Stanhope)   I44542
182 Abrahams, David   I39771
183 Abrahams, Dwayne   I39772
184 Abrahams, Helena (Suderman)   I33919
185 Abrahams, Helena Elizabeth (Richert)  1892 I45683
186 Abrahams, Iva B (Wright)  31 Aug 1916 I15688
187 Abrahams, Jacob  1911 I15689
188 Abrahams, Jacob Daniel  25 Mar 1885 I5440
189 Abrahams, Matilda (Wyss)  1915 I7908
190 Abrahams, Otto Henry Sr  30 May 1863 I33918
191 Abrahams, Renate Justina (Loeffler)  11 May 1888 I5439
192 Abrahams, Ruth (Regier)   I39773
193 Abrahams, Theodore  1912 I7909
194 Abrams, Abram  27 Feb 1850 I15690
195 Abrams, Anna (Block)  12 Nov 1854 I15691
196 Abrams, Dora Alice Forsythe  1875 I15693
197 Abrams, Elizabeth May (Hitchcock)  14 May 1893 I15696
198 Abrams, Henry  1879 I15694
199 Abrams, John  1878 I15695
200 Abston, Orville Parks  20 Apr 1905 I16628

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Matches 151 to 200 of 46382

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
151 ?, John ?   I4080
152 ?, John C   I11643
153 ?, John F   I11618
154 ?, John S   I557
155 ?, Lulie   I12376
156 ?, Nina May   I558
157 ?, R N   I6898
158 ?, Reba J   I13744
159 ?, Richard H   I559
160 ?, Ruth E   I12299
161 ?, Selby   I12586
162 ?, Sylvia Marie   I11746
163 ?, William Lee   I560
164 Abasolo, Sherri N   I44478
165 Abbey, Charles Earl   I15673
166 Abbey, Charles W   I15672
167 Abbey, Earl E   I41760
168 Abbey, Emily C   I15674
169 Abbey, Florence   I15676
170 Abbey, Florence   I15675
171 Abbey, Frank Lincoln Jr   I15678
172 Abbey, Frank Lincoln Sr   I15677
173 Abbey, Lawrence A   I15679
174 Abbey, Leonidus Irl   I562
175 Abbey, Patra D   I563
176 Abbey, William   I15680
177 Abbott, E B   I45892
178 Abbott, Emma F (Hall)   I33913
179 Abbott, Florence Dollie (Lantis)   I5970
180 Abbott, Frances (Litwiler) Garber   I564
181 Abbott, Francis M   I15681
182 Abbott, Harvey Clyde   I33910
183 Abbott, Joshua E   I33912
184 Abbott, L D   I33914
185 Abbott, Louis Edward   I5971
186 Abbott, Margaret F (Hemphill)   I33911
187 Abbott, Matilda (Cowgill)   I33915
188 Abbott, Sean   I41722
189 Abel, Christopher Lee   I44324
190 Abel, Kenneth E Sr   I3418
191 Abel, Patricia Jean (Skinner)   I41960
192 Abel, Riley Eugene Jr   I41958
193 Abel, Riley Eugene Sr   I41959
194 Abell, Anna Helen   I15682
195 Aber, Dianna (Delphon)   I33917
196 Aber, Wilbur Pearson   I33916
197 Abernathy, Benjamin Harrison   I13007
198 Abernathy, John Robert   I13009
199 Abernathy, Naomi Grace (Hickman)   I13008
200 Abeyta, John   I16140

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Matches 151 to 200 of 30476

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
151 ?, John ?  Unknown I4080
152 ?, John C   I11643
153 ?, John F  Unknown I11618
154 ?, John S   I557
155 ?, Lulie  1883 I12376
156 ?, Nina May   I558
157 ?, R N   I6898
158 ?, Reba J  1980 I13744
159 ?, Richard H   I559
160 ?, Ruth E   I12299
161 ?, Selby   I12586
162 ?, Sylvia Marie   I11746
163 ?, William Lee  1898 I560
164 Abbey, Charles W  16 Jul 1909 I15672
165 Abbey, Emily C  18 Jun 1918 I15674
166 Abbey, Florence  13 Feb 1937 I15676
167 Abbey, Florence  03 Apr 1960 I15675
168 Abbey, Frank Lincoln Sr  25 Jun 1931 I15677
169 Abbey, Frank Lincoln Jr  09 Mar 1960 I15678
170 Abbey, Lawrence A  14 Feb 1920 I15679
171 Abbey, Leonidus Irl  09 Jan 1987 I562
172 Abbey, Patra D  7 Jul 1980 I563
173 Abbey, William  26 Sep 1903 I15680
174 Abbott, E B   I45892
175 Abbott, Emma F (Hall)   I33913
176 Abbott, Florence Dollie (Lantis)  18 Apr 1997 I5970
177 Abbott, Francis M  21 Jan 1909 I15681
178 Abbott, Harvey Clyde  10 Sep 1956 I33910
179 Abbott, Joshua E   I33912
180 Abbott, L D   I33914
181 Abbott, Margaret F (Hemphill)  1960 I33911
182 Abbott, Matilda (Cowgill)   I33915
183 Abel, Christopher Lee   I44324
184 Abel, Patricia Jean (Skinner)   I41960
185 Abel, Riley Eugene Sr  20 Feb 2016 I41959
186 Abell, Anna Helen  15 Jun 1938 I15682
187 Aber, Dianna (Delphon)   I33917
188 Aber, Wilbur Pearson  1964 I33916
189 Abernathy, Benjamin Harrison  1 Jul 1980 I13007
190 Abernathy, John Robert  1 Jan 1955 I13009
191 Abernathy, Naomi Grace (Hickman)  14 Mar 1988 I13008
192 Abeyta, John  28 May 1984 I16140
193 Abney, Cleve J  10 Feb 1975 I15683
194 Abney, Clyde Asa  04 Jun 1964 I15684
195 Abney, Mona R (Jones)  14 Jul 2015 I38567
196 Abplanalp, Thomas  10 Jan 1991 I37048
197 Abraham, Bradley Cecil  04 Jul 1947 I15687
198 Abrahams, Bevel Dee  14 Dec 1949 I15686
199 Abrahams, Cathy (Stanhope)   I44542
200 Abrahams, David   I39771

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Matches 151 to 200 of 5003

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
151 Azerf, A   I36626
152 Azerf, Josephine (Davis)   I36627
153 Babinsky, Catherine E (Hamilton)   I35756
154 Babinsky, Henry W   I35755
155 Bachman, Ron   I34241
156 Badart, Jimmy D   I37942
157 Baehler, Karen (Frankamp)   I42106
158 Baehr, Anna Ruth (Ediger)   I37005
159 Baer, Albert Jr.   I44805
160 Baer, Mrs. Albert   I44804
161 Baer Wilcox, Mary E. (Cruse)   I44807
162 Bailey, Blanche E (Day)   I34143
163 Bailey, Sam   I37451
164 Bailey, Vernon E   I37040
165 Bainbridge, Bill III   I43211
166 Bainum, Donald A   I39307
167 Bair, Clark E.   I44808
168 Bair, DeAnna (McCormick) Vogts   I28067
169 Bair, Duane D   I45178
170 Baker, Diane L (Alexander)   I42737
171 Baker, Edith   I42721
172 Baker, Elizabeth Jane (Schmidt)   I42659
173 Baker, James W   I35435
174 Baker, L. M.   I35936
175 Baker, Mary Alice (Curtiss)  05 Dec 1998 I35377
176 Baker, Mary Anne (Wilson)   I44501
177 Baker, Naomi Ruth (Schmidt) Boettcher   I90
178 Baker, Raymond Lincoln   I43491
179 Baker, Roger Leroy   I36981
180 Baker, Vernon   I3812
181 Baldauf, Dorothy M (Cupps) Thies   I41761
182 Baldwin, Antoinette M   I42345
183 Baldwin, Jesse Leonard   I42344
184 Ballard, Fern L.   I37127
185 Ballard, Ima Jean (Walters)   I43051
186 Ballard, Sarah Evelyn Hunt   I35792
187 Ballinger, Melissa (Leiby)   I31232
188 Balthrop, Carmack   I42682
189 Balzer, Francis   I45934
190 Balzer, Harlin Duane   I42503
191 Balzer, Marylin (Smith)   I39174
192 Banks, Delaware Eugene   I34705
193 Banman, Edgar B.   I43743
194 Banman, Jacob J   I39200
195 Banman, Shirley Ann (Blosser)   I42648
196 Banman, Vinola   I43744
197 Bannon, Shirley Ann   I37191
198 Barber, Carl Ray   I39274
199 Barber, Daniel Ray   I44490
200 Barber, Tanya Renae (Lee)   I41149

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Matches 151 to 200 of 6253

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    COD    Person ID 
151 Foster, Edgar Clarence   I21330
152 Foster, Emanuel Sylvester   I21331
153 Foster, Gay Gooding   I21332
154 Foster, Mary Anna   I21336
155 Foster, Milton Henry   I21337
156 Foster, Orland Frederic   I21338
157 Foster, Sadie L   I21341
158 Foster, Samuel Baldwin   I21340
159 Foster, W. B.   I21343
160 Foth, Alice   I21345
161 Foth, Amelia O.   I21346
162 Foth, Andrew Carl   I21347
163 Foth, Emma Wilimina   I21348
164 Foth, Infant of A C   I21349
165 Foulk, Benjamin Paul   I21351
166 Foushee, Arthur W.   I21352
167 Foushee, Louis W.   I21354
168 Foutch, Loren T   I21355
169 Fowler, Albert   I21356
170 Fowler, Harriet   I21357
171 Fowler, Lola M.   I21358
172 Fowler, Philip Guy   I21359
173 Fox, Ottilia   I21374
174 Fox Sr, Dedrick   I21376
175 Foy, Peter L.   I21377
176 Francis, Clarence E.   I21389
177 Francis, Infant of Charles   I21390
178 Francis, Jane W   I21391
179 Francis, Norma Lee   I21393
180 Frank, Dorothy May   I21395
181 Frank, Emil O.   I21396
182 Frank, Wells A   I21397
183 Franklin, Hazel   I21398
184 Franklin, Lora Blanche   I21401
185 Franklin, Lorean   I21402
186 Franklin, Ruby   I21403
187 Franklin, Stella Emmerson   I21404
188 Frey, Ewold L.   I21408
189 Frey, Prudence   I21414
190 Friday, Henrietta Wilhelminda   I21416
191 Friesen, Adina E.   I21417
192 Friesen, Frieda B.   I21421
193 Friesen, Helen R.   I21423
194 Friesen, John K   I21425
195 Friesen, Sister Kathrine   I21433
196 Friesen, Sue Ann   I21434
197 Friley, Lois E.   I21436
198 Fritz, Hattie Belle   I21437
199 Fritz, Joseph   I21439
200 Fritz, Joseph Hobert   I21440

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Military Service

Matches 151 to 200 of 726

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military Service    Person ID 
151 Denny, Marshall V   I7850
152 Dent, Earl L   I7638
153 Dent, Eugene W   I7642
154 Dent, Ula Allen   I7636
155 Deschner, Duane  1954 to 1956 I44162
156 Despard, Deane Richard   I8078
157 DeVore, Eddie "Ed"   I37610
158 Dey, Max E   I7070
159 Dill, Carl  WWII I35992
160 Dillon, Delbert   I8417
161 Domingo, Lewis L   I6119
162 Doshier, Roy Ernie   I7974
163 Dotson, Reverend William A.   I17448
164 Doty, Cecil Herbert   I292
165 Downey, Anabel Golden   I7800
166 Downey, James C   I7801
167 Drake, Gilbert E   I13015
168 Drake, Lee Roy   I36036
169 Drotts, Robert A   I33503
170 Dudley, Charles A   I13799
171 Dudley, George W   I6159
172 Duncan, James P   I7901
173 Eberhard, Rollan K   I8390
174 Eberle, James O.   I20645
175 Ediger, Olin Orlando   I8329
176 Edris, Eugene Charles   I7885
177 Edris, Glenora A   I7886
178 Edris, Laurance L   I7887
179 Eilerts, Gerd B   I8331
180 Elliott, Henry Ewing   I20756
181 Esau, Bruno   I7185
182 Esau, Otto   I7249
183 Eshelman, R Keith   I13706
184 Essington, Thomas   I8572
185 Evans, Gordon M   I11977
186 Ewy, Forrest Dean   I16983
187 Ewy, Gerald K   I35720
188 Ferguson, Bennett W   I7063
189 Fewin, Dr Luther   I13864
190 Fiedler, Max Sam   I5466
191 Fiedler, Roy E   I5447
192 Fields, William Leo   I34606
193 Finch, William Wayne   I8562
194 Finn, William   I12584
195 Fischer, Nigel Elton   I13702
196 Fisher, Paula D   I5094
197 Fitzgerald, Claude Lane   I12595
198 Fitzgerald, James O   I12591
199 Fix, Philip   I8334
200 Flanders, Albert L   I11672

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Matches 151 to 200 of 6494

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
151 / Woods  1862 F33439
152 / Woodworth   F1897
153 / Woulfe   F20018
154 / Wyatt   F38511
155 / Yacko   F2314
156 / Yundt   F2111
157 Abbey / Abbey   F35090
158 Abbey / Abbey   F33433
159 Abbey / Abbey  1884 F33434
160 Abbey / Daugherty  1909 F3924
161 Abbott / Abbott   F1077
162 Abbott / Abbott  1913 F3934
163 Abel / Abel   F1869
164 Abrahams / Abrahams   F37493
165 Abrahams / Abrahams   F38508
166 Abrahams / Abrahams   F2452
167 Abrahams / Abrahams   F3794
168 Abrams / Abrams   F37052
169 Abrams / Abrams  17 Jun 1918 F2453
170 Abston / Baughman  12 Dec 1977 F36433
171 Acker / Acker   F37494
172 Adair / Adair   F3676
173 Adair / Adair   F33140
174 Adams / Adams   F33794
175 Adams / Adams   F3990
176 Adams / Adams   F33517
177 Adams / Adams   F38465
178 Adams / Adams   F37651
179 Adams / Adams   F2458
180 Adams / Adams   F2605
181 Adams / Adams   F2741
182 Adamson / Adamson   F36840
183 Adamson / Adamson   F2609
184 Adamson / Adamson   F34531
185 Adamson / Adamson   F25607
186 Adamson / Cooper  1921 F3782
187 Adee / Adee   F3516
188 Ades / Ades   F547
189 Adkins / Adkins   F35135
190 Adkins / Adkins  1888 F35132
191 Adkins / Adkins  1980 F2459
192 Adler / Adler   F34418
193 Adrian / Adrian   F1369
194 Adrian / Adrian  21 Jul 1940 F35056
195 Adrian / Adrian  15 May 1941 F36743
196 Adsit / Adsit   F2460
197 Aguilar / Aguilar   F37652
198 Ahrens / Ahrens   F37653
199 Ailshie / Ailshie   F2634
200 Ainsworth / Ainsworth   F37969

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Matches 151 to 200 of 10402

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   Family    Divorce    Family ID 
151 / Suenram   F33107
152 / Sump   F33783
153 / Terrones   F38284
154 / Teten   F33082
155 / Teten   F35102
156 / Thompson   F37907
157 / Thornhill   F33094
158 / Trego   F3719
159 / Unruh   F35706
160 / Unruh   F2495
161 / Unruh   F616
162 / Vanbeber   F2483
163 / Venso   F36420
164 / Vidacs   F33261
165 / Weigand   F34551
166 / Wetschensky   F34369
167 / Williams   F34634
168 / Williams   F34508
169 / Wilmore   F25892
170 / Wilson   F35958
171 / Witt   F35957
172 / Woods   F33439
173 / Woodworth   F1897
174 / Woulfe   F20018
175 / Wyatt   F38511
176 / Yacko   F2314
177 / Yocham   F34735
178 / Yundt   F2111
179 Abbey / Abbey   F33433
180 Abbey / Abbey   F33434
181 Abbey / Abbey   F35090
182 Abbey / Daugherty   F3924
183 Abbott / Abbott   F3934
184 Abbott / Abbott   F34000
185 Abbott / Abbott   F33999
186 Abbott / Abbott   F33998
187 Abbott / Abbott   F1077
188 Abel / Abel   F1869
189 Aber / Aber   F34001
190 Abernathy / Abernathy   F2451
191 Abney / Abney   F36326
192 Abney / Dill    F36101
193 Abplanalp / Abplanalp   F37166
194 Abrahams / Abrahams   F37493
195 Abrahams / Abrahams   F36446
196 Abrahams / Abrahams   F36058
197 Abrahams / Abrahams   F2452
198 Abrahams / Abrahams   F38508
199 Abrahams / Abrahams   F38507
200 Abrahams / Abrahams   F34002

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