
   Name   Location 
1.Greenwood CemeteryHarvey County
2.Burrton CemeteryHarvey County
3.Halstead City CemeteryHarvey County
4.Walton CemeteryHarvey County
5.Hillside CemeteryHarvey County
6.St. Mary's Catholic CemeteryHarvey County
7.Whitewater CemeteryHarvey County
8.Hunt-Shive CemeteryHarvey County
9.Hebron CemeteryHarvey County
10.Hesston CemeteryHarvey County
11.Eastlawn CemeteryHarvey County
12.Church of God of the FirstbornHarvey County
13.Missionary Church CemeteryHarvey County
14.Royer CemeteryHarvey County
15.Popkins (Old Halstead) CemeteryHarvey County
16.Star CemeteryHarvey County
17.Grace Hill Mennonite CemeteryHarvey County
18.Lorentz-Shellenberg Family CemeteryHarvey County
19.Fairview CemeteryHarvey County
20.Old Walton CemeteryHarvey County
21.Restlawn Gardens of MemoryHarvey County
22.Garden Church CemeteryHarvey County
23.Highland CemeteryHarvey County
24.Garden Township - FarnsworthHarvey County
25.Garden View Mennonite CemeteryHarvey County
26.Kemper CemeteryHarvey County
27.Schlender CemeteryHarvey County
28.Swiss Church CemeteryButler County
29.Shalom Mennonite ColumbariumKansas, Harvey County
30.St. Matthew's Episcopal ColumbariumKansas, Harvey County
31.Halstead MausoleumKansas, Harvey County


Matches 251 to 300 of 28926

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
251 Adams, Robert Keith  21 Aug 1967 I43757
252 Adams, Robert W  21 May 1945 I15725
253 Adams, Sarah Jane  1843 I15726
254 Adams, Thomas Marvin  18 Dec 1843 I15727
255 Adams, W Glenn  2 Jan 1879 I12617
256 Adams, Wanda Lee  04 Sep 1927 I15729
257 Adams, William  02 Jan 1927 I15730
258 Adams, William Francis  9 Feb 1876 I15731
259 Adams, William J  12 May 1838 I12224
260 Adamson, Claude  13 Sep 1915 I15733
261 Adamson, Claude E,  1888 I15734
262 Adamson, Clyde Martin  16 Jun 1890 I11990
263 Adamson, Ethel L (St. Clair)  1887 I13346
264 Adamson, Franklin R  1905 I13841
265 Adamson, Grace M  1881 I15735
266 Adamson, Jonathan  1828 I11966
267 Adamson, Joseph A  26 Jan 1862 I11692
268 Adamson, Lizzie N  1867 I12230
269 Adamson, Lourana  1832 I11967
270 Adamson, Mabel  1903 I13343
271 Adamson, Maggie I  24 Jun 1867 I11693
272 Adamson, Minnie Lea  1907 I13842
273 Adamson, Opal  1905 I13344
274 Adamson, Ora Burns  8 Jun 1893 I11799
275 Adamson, Stella S (Smith)  5 May 1868 I11971
276 Adamson, William B  1857 I12229
277 Adamson, William Edward  1907 I15738
278 Addison, Claude W  1866 I15739
279 Addison, Manilva J  1845 I15740
280 Ades, Francis J  16 May 1913 I9285
281 Adkins, Eva  1874 I35297
282 Adkins, Jesse P  1877 I35298
283 Adkins, Stephen John  4 Dec 1941 I43118
284 Adkins, Virginia (Curtis)  1836 I567
285 Adler, Andrew Matthew  22 Nov 1887 I35115
286 Adler, Anna M  02 May 1889 I16141
287 Adler, Bennie David  1926 I36210
288 Adler, Effie Bohanon  1897 I15741
289 Adler, Florentina  1853 I34569
290 Adler, Frank Martin  10 Mar 1883 I34570
291 Adler, Harold Ray  18 Apr 1930 I15742
292 Adler, Katherine Magdoline  19 Nov 1892 I16142
293 Adler, Maria Anna  29 Oct 18xx I34579
294 Adler, Martin M  1850 I34568
295 Adler, William A  1854 I15743
296 Adrian, Emma E (Nickel)  15 Feb 1881 I9698
297 Adrian, Gertrude M (Wiens)  6 Oct 1885 I15744
298 Adrian, Helen (Harms)  1884 I15745
299 Adrian, Jacob J  1882 I15746
300 Adrian, John F  5 May 1877 I9697

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Matches 251 to 300 of 46382

«Prev «1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 928» Next»

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
251 Achziger, Aulda Irene (Ambler)   I15697
252 Acker, Rev Henry   I8432
253 Acker, Katie E (Hanke)   I33923
254 Acker, Martha A (Woy)   I8433
255 Acker, S W   I33922
256 Ackerman, G A   I33928
257 Ackerman, George A   I33924
258 Ackerman, Mary I (Stimmel)   I33927
259 Ackerman, Minnie T Bell   I33925
260 Ackley, Alvin E   I15698
261 Ackley, Mary Catherine   I33064
262 Ackley, Minerva   I15699
263 Acuilar, Georje   I9890
264 Adair, Anna (Jones)   I15700
265 Adair, Maria   I15701
266 Adair, Martha C   I16509
267 Adair, Thomas J   I15702
268 Adair, W A   I15703
269 Adair, William Benjamin   I16508
270 Adamek, Wilma (Ammann)   I40164
271 Adams, Adah May   I11192
272 Adams, Alice A   I15704
273 Adams, Alva   I15705
274 Adams, Anna Ellis   I15710
275 Adams, Arlene M (Esau)   I36404
276 Adams, Becky   I39649
277 Adams, Betty (Ensminger)   I44753
278 Adams, Blanche (Bartley)   I36205
279 Adams, Brenda Kay (Castleberry)   I43758
280 Adams, Calvies Lanier   I15706
281 Adams, Carrie Roff   I15707
282 Adams, Charles   I39648
283 Adams, Clara Jane (Beins)   I42808
284 Adams, Curtis Harrison   I15708
285 Adams, Doris W. (Ham)   I35839
286 Adams, Dorothy   I43760
287 Adams, Elizabeth Ellis (Coble)   I17063
288 Adams, Emerson Emma   I41370
289 Adams, Fannie Bell   I15711
290 Adams, Freddie   I11195
291 Adams, Gerold Emerson   I43759
292 Adams, Grover   I9824
293 Adams, Harold V   I36405
294 Adams, Harriet Ann   I10336
295 Adams, James W   I15712
296 Adams, Jeremy Michael   I35974
297 Adams, John Quincy   I15713
298 Adams, John Robert   I15714
299 Adams, John Wayne   I41371
300 Adams, Julia B   I15715

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Matches 251 to 300 of 30476

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
251 Adams, Julia B  24 Aug 1967 I15715
252 Adams, Kenneth Wayne  09 Oct 1955 I15716
253 Adams, L. J.   I44755
254 Adams, Larry Melvin  14 Sep 1950 I15717
255 Adams, Leon  11 Feb 1887 I11193
256 Adams, Lila Irene  20 Mar 1976 I15718
257 Adams, Lula  1952 I9825
258 Adams, Mabel Bold  09 Aug 1982 I15719
259 Adams, Marilyn A (Seibel)   I44898
260 Adams, Martin L  09 Oct 1918 I15720
261 Adams, Mary F  21 Jan 1919 I12225
262 Adams, Mary L  12 May 1877 I15721
263 Adams, Maseo Larry  2 Oct 2003 I36208
264 Adams, Melvin J  12 Feb 2002 I36209
265 Adams, Michael B  24 Mar 1983 I15722
266 Adams, Minnie Viola  10 Mar 1976 I15723
267 Adams, Montie  2 Aug 1879 I11194
268 Adams, Nettie Bell  13 Nov 1884 I15724
269 Adams, Rick   I44756
270 Adams, Rita (Robbins)   I43899
271 Adams, Robert W  11 Apr 1975 I15725
272 Adams, Sarah Jane  03 Oct 1927 I15726
273 Adams, Thomas Marvin  22 Dec 1924 I15727
274 Adams, W Glenn  12 Sep 1907 I12617
275 Adams, Wanda Lee  24 Jan 1946 I15729
276 Adams, William  02 Jan 1927 I15730
277 Adams, William Francis  05 Oct 1877 I15731
278 Adams, William J  21 Jan 1916 I12224
279 Adamson, Claude  13 Sep 1915 I15733
280 Adamson, Claude E,  12 Mar 1949 I15734
281 Adamson, Clyde Martin  23 Mar 1909 I11990
282 Adamson, Ethel L (St. Clair)  1969 I13346
283 Adamson, Franklin R  1967 I13841
284 Adamson, Grace M  29 Jun 1963 I15735
285 Adamson, Jonathan  1901 I11966
286 Adamson, Joseph A  20 May 1928 I11692
287 Adamson, Lizzie N  1950 I12230
288 Adamson, Lourana  1915 I11967
289 Adamson, Mabel  1903 I13343
290 Adamson, Maggie I  27 Jan 1951 I11693
291 Adamson, Mary E. Hupp  31 Aug 1957 I15737
292 Adamson, Minnie Lea  2007 I13842
293 Adamson, Opal  1938 I13344
294 Adamson, Ora Burns  16 Sep 1975 I11799
295 Adamson, Stella S (Smith)  28 Feb 1898 I11971
296 Adamson, William B  1924 I12229
297 Adamson, William Edward  02 Sep 1975 I15738
298 Addison, Claude W  07 Nov 1893 I15739
299 Addison, Manilva J  12 Apr 1902 I15740
300 Adkins, Dora May  1947 I566

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Matches 251 to 300 of 5003

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
251 Baughman, Bruce   I34161
252 Baughman, Gary Lee   I36996
253 Baughman, Gayl Ann   I37033
254 Baughman, Ralph Merle   I35340
255 Baughman, Ray   I35339
256 Baumann, David R   I39522
257 Baumann, Herman Lee   I38745
258 Baumgartner, Albert  1871 I35258
259 Baumgartner, Bonnie (Smith)   I45356
260 Baumgartner, Edwin Abraham  1935 I35265
261 Baumgartner, Elizabeth Barbara   I35261
262 Baumgartner, Gayle Elizabeth (Casey)   I38472
263 Baumgartner, Jane Emily  1971 I35263
264 Baumgartner, Leona B. PhD, MD   I35269
265 Baumgartner, Leslie Earl   I38471
266 Baumgartner, Martha  1877 I35260
267 Baumgartner, Olga E. (Leisy)   I35268
268 Baumgartner, Peter Simon   I35257
269 Baumgartner, Robert Wesley   I45355
270 Baumgartner, Professor Theodore Allen   I35274
271 Baumgartner, Warren Louis   I41164
272 Baumgartner, William Jacob Phd  Apr 1959 I35259
273 Baxendale, Emma (Bousser)   I38135
274 Baxter, Elnora C (Gates)   I40503
275 Baxter, Ronald Clyde Jr   I39025
276 Baymiller, Kris Dee   I46030
277 Baymiller, Kyle Lee   I45678
278 Bazil, Teresa Norene (Temple)   I39916
279 Beach, Rev Dr Allen Ward   I36223
280 Beach, Homer M   I35343
281 Beach, Roy E   I35344
282 Beals, Victor   I37720
283 Bean, Carole Aileen (Berger)   I45699
284 Bean, Charles   I45704
285 Bean, David   I45701
286 Bean, Jason   I45703
287 Bean, Jennifer   I45708
288 Bean, Lori   I45706
289 Bean, Mary K   I45705
290 Bean, Matthew   I45702
291 Bean, Mick   I45700
292 Bean, Paul   I45698
293 Bean, Tammy   I45707
294 Beard, Jason Andre   I39271
295 Beaty, Ella   I35346
296 Beaty, John   I35345
297 Bechtel, Martin Steinetz   I41298
298 Beck, Elsie (Rous)   I45180
299 Becker, Becky (Pitts)   I46043
300 Becker, Blake   I46044

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Matches 251 to 300 of 6253

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    COD    Person ID 
251 Funkhauser, William J.   I21505
252 Funston, Franklin J   I21506
253 Funston, Sarah E.   I21507
254 Furlong, John Ralph   I21509
255 Furlong, Zua D.   I21510
256 Furman, Charles V.   I21511
257 Furman, Earl A.   I21512
258 Furman, Geda Acton   I21513
259 Furman, Ozias Andrew   I21515
260 Furman, Rose Ethel   I21516
261 Fyffe, Cora Belle   I21517
262 Fyffe, Henry Milton   I21518
263 Fyffe, William Charles   I21519
264 Gaebhart, John H.   I21684
265 Gaede, Amelia   I21691
266 Gaede, Evelyn Edith   I21693
267 Gaedeke, Allie   I21697
268 Gaedeke, Robert   I21698
269 Gaglione, Candice Hester   I21699
270 Gaglione, Kimberly Ann   I21700
271 Gaiser, Katherine   I21702
272 Gaiser, Leslie L.   I21703
273 Galbert, Floris   I21705
274 Galbert, Lee   I21706
275 Galley, Amy Isabelle   I21710
276 Galusha, Floyd   I21714
277 Galusha, Minnie Ola   I21715
278 Gard, Ada M.   I21717
279 Gardert, John Henry (Max)   I21721
280 Garland, Anna   I21723
281 Garnett, Rev. William Henry   I21737
282 Garnett, Constance Dawn   I21724
283 Garnett, Harriet Elizabeth   I21727
284 Garnett, Infant of J W   I21729
285 Garnett, Jerry Gene   I21730
286 Garnett, John Wade   I21731
287 Garnett, Matilda Frances Talbert   I21732
288 Garnett, Moses J   I21734
289 Garnett, Pearl A.   I21735
290 Garnett, Savannah   I21736
291 Garnett, William Francis   I21738
292 Garr, Clark Clayton   I21740
293 Garr, Esther Anna   I21741
294 Garr, Pearl S   I21742
295 Garrett, Addie   I21743
296 Garrett, Beatrice Fleta (Coleman)   I21744
297 Garrett, Drucilla   I21745
298 Garrett, James   I21747
299 Garrett, Not Named   I21749
300 Garrett, Sydney   I21750

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Military Service

Matches 251 to 300 of 726

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Military Service    Person ID 
251 Harms, Alfred   I4545
252 Harms, Walter William   I4458
253 Harnar, Joseph R   I1560
254 Harrold, Roy   I13078
255 Harsin, Charles R   I12966
256 Hartman, Robert J   I13848
257 Hash, Calvin B   I8392
258 Hash, Calvin Franklin   I8566
259 Hash, George   I8511
260 Hash, Hardin   I8395
261 Hash, James Mastin   I7836
262 Hash, Lawrence Harold   I8512
263 Haug, Lyle Ralph   I14072
264 Hawkey, Alfred   I5093
265 Hawks, Emanuel H   I8635
266 Hawthorne, Francis Earl   I7846
267 Hay, Jack A.  1943 I37260
268 Hayden, Henry G   I13681
269 Hearting, Carl Edward   I4192
270 Hege, Harold Duane  1956-1957 I35523
271 Hege, Kenneth Emerson  WW II I34871
272 Heibert, Leonard   I7490
273 Heinemann, Paul Eugene   I13534
274 Heiserman, Leslie Elden   I12943
275 Held, Bill   I8139
276 Hellums, Ray E   I7950
277 Henderson, Clyde D.   I44852
278 Henderson, Robert E.  1952 to 1956 I44846
279 Hendricks, James B   I13800
280 Hendry, Donald Vance   I7543
281 Hershberger, Steven Timothy   I13714
282 Hershberger, Willis M   I12950
283 Hershey, Harry E   I8663
284 Hershey, Peter J   I8665
285 Hetherington, Hugh R   I14001
286 Heubach, Melvin Fred   I36262
287 Hicks, Clarence W   I7050
288 Hicks, Floyd M   I7049
289 Hiebert, Bernhard G   I7459
290 Higgins, Howard Eugene   I7650
291 Hillyard, William   I12347
292 Hirsch, Pershing W   I6163
293 Hixson, Daniel Samuel   I12389
294 Hoefgen, J N   I11748
295 Hoefgen, Julius N   I12667
296 Hoff, Roy R   I6303
297 Hoisington, Col. Perry Milo   I17507
298 Hollenback, Daniel   I12428
299 Honn, Harry A   I7016
300 Honn, Ophel L   I13697

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Matches 251 to 300 of 6494

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
251 Amrine / Amrine   F36405
252 Amrine / Amrine  22 Jun 1998 F36406
253 Amstutz / Amstutz   F25760
254 Amstutz / Amstutz  8 Aug 1923 F34697
255 Amstutz / Amstutz  17 Apr 1947 F883
256 Andersen / Andersen   F3568
257 Anderson / Anderson   F2052
258 Anderson / Anderson   F3437
259 Anderson / Anderson   F3652
260 Anderson / Anderson   F36873
261 Anderson / Anderson   F1621
262 Anderson / Anderson   F37178
263 Anderson / Anderson   F37754
264 Anderson / Anderson   F859
265 Anderson / Anderson   F36451
266 Anderson / Anderson   F36452
267 Anderson / Anderson   F33229
268 Anderson / Anderson   F35514
269 Anderson / Anderson   F33475
270 Anderson / Anderson   F21657
271 Anderson / Anderson   F34109
272 Anderson / Anderson   F3986
273 Anderson / Anderson   F3857
274 Anderson / Anderson  1867 F34173
275 Anderson / Anderson  03 Feb 1930 F35513
276 Anderson / Anderson  28 Feb 1940 F2445
277 Anderson / Collins   F2461
278 Anderson / Grant   F3992
279 Anderson / Roberson   F1605
280 Andes / Andes   F33441
281 Andreas / Andreas   F2104
282 Andres / Andres   F37698
283 Andres / Andres   F33674
284 Andres / Andres   F33696
285 Andres / Andres   F19972
286 Andres / Andres   F19970
287 Andrews / Andrews   F33272
288 Androes / Androes   F36453
289 Androes / Androes   F34048
290 Androes / Androes   F37699
291 Androes / Androes   F37246
292 Androes / Androes   F37181
293 Androes / Androes   F37180
294 Andrus / Andrus   F37179
295 Anduss / Anduss   F1243
296 Anduss / Anduss   F19999
297 Anduss / Anduss   F19998
298 Angle / Angle   F36454
299 Angood /    F25589
300 Angood / Angood   F25572

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Matches 251 to 300 of 10402

«Prev «1 ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 209» Next»

   Family    Divorce    Family ID 
251 Adsit / Adsit   F2460
252 Aguilar / Aguilar   F37652
253 Ahrens / Ahrens   F37653
254 Ailshie / Ailshie   F2634
255 Ainsworth / Ainsworth   F37969
256 Ainsworth / Ainsworth   F33795
257 Akers / Akers   F25602
258 Akers / Akers   F19946
259 Akers / Akers   F19945
260 Akers / Akers   F34577
261 Akers / Akers   F2995
262 Akins / Akins   F34408
263 Akins / Akins   F4078
264 Akins / Akins   F37696
265 Alban / Alban   F19948
266 Alban / Alban   F19947
267 Albertson / Albertson   F3825
268 Albertson / Albertson   F36327
269 Albertson / Albertson   F36827
270 Albertson / Albertson   F35866
271 Albin / Albin   F36167
272 Albrecht / Albrecht   F36447
273 Albrecht / Albrecht   F38057
274 Albrecht / Albrecht   F33442
275 Albrecht / Albrecht   F19951
276 Albrecht / Albrecht   F19950
277 Albrecht / Albrecht   F19949
278 Albright / Albright   F33929
279 Alden / Alden   F4105
280 Alder / Alder   F390
281 Alderson / Alderson   F37268
282 Alexander / Alexander   F36448
283 Alexander / Alexander   F1473
284 Alexander / Alexander   F33146
285 Alexander / Alexander   F35167
286 Alexander / Alexander   F36328
287 Alison / Alison   F33014
288 Alison / Alison   F405
289 Allbaugh / Allbaugh   F135
290 Alldritt / Alldritt   F1305
291 Allen / Allen   F647
292 Allen / Allen   F2636
293 Allen / Allen   F38336
294 Allen / Allen   F19955
295 Allen / Allen   F1057
296 Allen / Allen   F19954
297 Allen / Allen   F19952
298 Allen / Allen   F4081
299 Allen / Allen   F4080
300 Allen / Allen   F3610

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