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Coats, Ginger (Kitterman)
Ginger G. Coats, 45, passed away on Wednesday (May 12, 2010) at her residence in Potwin, Kansas.
She was born on Feb. 16, 1965, in Newton, one of five children born to Samuel and Mary Jo (Keazer) Kitterman.
She worked as a housekeeper.
She is survived by her children, Jacob Coats of Wichita and Jaclyn Coats of Potwin; her significant other, Steve Weddle of Potwin; her mother, Mary Jo Kitterman of Newton; siblings, Steve (Brenda) Kitterman of Whitewater, Angela (Steven) Carter of Wichita and Gail (James) Frey of Wichita; grandmother, Laverne Mosiman of Whitewater; sister-in-law, Robyn Kitterman of Newton; and former husband, Mike (Stacy) Coats of Whitewater. She was preceded in death by her father, Sam Kitterman; and brother, Sammy Kitterman.
Visitation with family will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday at Lamb Funeral Home in Whitewater. A graveside memorial service will be at 2 p.m Monday at the Whitewater Cemetery.
The Ginger Coats Memorial Fund has been established to assist with final expenses, in care of Lamb Funeral Home, P.O. Box 358, Whitewater, KS 67154.
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