Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Mayfield, Thomas Alexander, Pvt
Evening Kansan Republican
August 28, 1920 Evening Kansan
The body of Thomas Alexander Mayfield jr., colored, aged 24, arrived Friday on No. 6, from Denver, Colo., where death, due to tuberculosis, occured at the United States hospital.
The deceased was an ex-Canadian soldier having served in the Canadian army during the recent war for a period of seven months or more. Mr. Mayfield is a former Newton resident having been reared here. Several months ago his poor health prompted him to go to Colorado Springs where he thought he might be benifitted. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Lucy Mayfield of Newton. His condition grew worse and a short time ago he was removed to the Government hospital at Denver. He is the nephew of Wayman and Nate Anderson of newton.
The body of the ex-service man is now at the Duff parlors, where the funeral will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will take place at Newton.
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