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Mayfield, Josephine H.

Evening Kansan Republican

July 19, 1915 Evening Kansan

Miss Josephine H. Mayfield, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mayfield, was born April 10,1900, in Marion, Kansas and came to Newton with her parents in 1910where she has resided ever since with the exception of one year which she spent in Topeka attending the Colored Industrial School. While there Miss Mayfield made a large circle of friends and was an exceptionally bright student much beloved by her teachers and classmates. She finished the eighth grade in this city last term and would have entered high school next term.
Miss Mayfield, while not a member of the C. M. E. church, was closely identified with it, being secretary Eppworth League, a former Sunday school teacher and was organist at the time of her death it will be in keeping to mention here that she was pianist for the colored Orchestra also. She was always a most willing worker, performing any duty imposed upon her with a cheerfulness that won many friends and made her indispensable in the church and Sunday school.
Miss Mayfield died at her home on West Fourth Street, July 17, 1915 at 3:15 a. m. aged 15 years, 3 months and one week. She leaves her parents, grandmother, two sisters and two brothers as well as a large number of relatives and sincere friends to morn her loss.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
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