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Grant, Mary Rickman Anderson

Evening Kansan-Republican

Evening Kansan Aug. 1923.

Mrs. Mary O. Grant, colored, aged 95, one of the oldest residents in this county died Tuesday night at 11:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Mayfield, 330 east Sixth. She had been in poor health for a long time, but her death was hastened, it is thought, by a fall she sustained when she fell in her wheel chair off the porch at the Mayfield home several days ago.

The deceased is survived by four children, all of this city, Mrs. T. A. [Lucy] Mayfield, Mrs Carrie Ramsey, Wayman Anderson and Nathaniel Anderson.

Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:00 at the C. M. E. Church on West Fifth. Burial will take place in the Greenwood cemetery.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Linked toMary O (Rickman) Anderson Grant

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