Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Hupp, George
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Monday, July 9, 1917
The funeral of George Hupp was held yesterday afternoon from the home four miles west of Newton, on the homestead where Mr. and Mrs. Hupp settled in 1872. It was said to be one of the largest assemblages of neighbors ever witnessed in the county at a like occasion. Rev. R. P. McPherson formerly pastor of the Christian church here, and a warm friend of the family conducted the services, and well described George Hupp, when he said a "four square man." Being that sort of man, and being so well known, accounts for the fact that hundreds of automobiles loaded with friends gathered to pay the last tribute to his life among us.
A feature of the service was music of a Victrola, operated by Roy Hutton, who was employed on the farm for some time. It was the custom and pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Hupp to sit together while Roy played favorite songs and instrumental pieces for them, and it was requested that he give some of the favorite pieces at the funeral. Thus "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground," and other melodies formed a nice part of the altogether impressive service, as with a full heart the young man who has been a faithful companion to the deceased played again for Mr. Hupp for the last time.
The internment was made in Greenwood cemetery.
A remarkable thing about the old homestead is not a single transfer is shown on the records except the patent granted by the government to George Hupp when final proof was made by him as a homesteader.
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