Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Hupp, Zelma Winger
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Saturday, January 16, 1932
Friends of Zelma Winger Hupp, wife of Frank Hupp, were shocked and grieved this morning to learn of the death which occurred at Bethel hospital at nine o'clock. While it has been known from the first, following the automobile accident on Monday morning, that her condition was critical, hopes had been entertained for her recovery, following consultation with a specialists from Wichita.
The accident which caused the death of this highly respected and much loved woman, occurred on the pavement south of town, as she was accompanying her cousin, Miss Carrie Morningstar, housekeeper for her father, to Wichita to keep an appointment with Dr. Opie Swope. Altho the car did not turn over, Mrs. Hupp, in some manner suffered a broken back, which included injury to the spinal cord.
Mrs. Hupp was greatly loved in the community four miles west on First street where she has been so happy since her marriage to Mr. Hupp ten years ago. Before that time she had made friends all over the county in her business associations with her father in the register of deeds office. She served her country well during the World war when she gave many long hours of canteen work.
Mrs. Hupp is survived by her husband and aged father J. F. Winger, former register of deeds, her brother Melvin Winger and her niece, Mrs. Audrey Winger Terry.
She will be taken from the Sprinker Mortuary to her home west of town on Sunday afternoon. Funeral arrangements depend on the weather and road conditions. If weather is fair and the roads good, brief services for the family will be held at her home on Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. If not, these services will be held at the home of her father J. F. Winger at 117 Southwest Second.
Public services will be held at 2:30 o,clock Monday afternoon at the Salem Evangelical church at the corner of First and Old Main, Rev. C. F. Hartmann officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
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