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Prouty, Clyde Henry

The Newton Kansan

Kansan November 1, 1937.

Clyde Henry Prouty, Sr., passed away at the home on rural route No. 1, Sunday morning at 5:30, after a long illness.

Mr. Prouty will be taken from the Sprinker Mortuary to the home Tuesday morning, where a short service will be held that day at one o'clock, following which a service will be conducted at the First Presbyterian church, First and Allison streets, Newton, of which Mr. Prouty was a member. The service will be conducted by Rev. C. E. Courtney. Internment will be made in Greenwood cemetery, with services in charge of the Masonic lodge. Mr. Prouty was a member of the Newton blue lodge and of the Royal Arch chapter, No. 27.

Clyde Prouty was the son of Lewis A. Prouty, and was born on his fathers homestead, Jan. 23, 1887. He was 50 years, nine months and eight days old. He leaves his wife and five children, Mrs. Elmer Vinroe, Wichita; Wilbur Prouty, rural route No. 1; Mrs. Harold Wright, Newton; Mrs. Dillon Crandall, Newton; and Clyde Henry Jr., of the home. There are six grandchildren. He also leaves a brother Fred Prouty, of Newton; and two sisters, Mrs. William Hodgson, Heston and Mrs. Bertha White, Wichita.

Thus this community loses one of the members of the second generation of a stalwart family of pioneers, a man of high repute, and one respected by all who knew him.

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