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Foltz, Josiah
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Tuesday, June 26, 1934
Josiah Foltz, Newton postmaster, passed away at his home 205 East First at teno'clock this forenoon, following a cerebral hemorrhage that occurred Monday afternoon. Mr. Fotz was not feeling well Monday morning, but was up and around, and in the afternoon took a nap, Mrs. Folts finding it difficult to awaken him. Physicians were called. He gradually grew more helpless and weak, and sank into a coma from which he passed out of this life as above stated. He was 74 years old last December 17, having been born at Canton, Ohio, in 1859.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Congregational church Friday morning at 10:30, the pastor, Rev. Fred Smith, having the assistance of the Rev. Logan Martin, pastor of the First Christian church. Newton Commandery No. 9. K. T., will provide a Knights Templar escort, and Newton lodge, No. 142, A. F. & A. M., of which Mr. Foltz was a past master, will conduct the ritualistic service at Greenwood Abbey.
Mr. Foltz leaves his widow, who before their marriage at Bremen, Indiana, October 20, 1881, was Miss Ida Ann Schilt; a daughter, Mrs. C. R. Williams, Kansas City, Mo., two sons, Walter Oliver Foltz, of this city and Frederick Theodore Foltz of Denver, Colorado.
Few men have been more active in community affairs, both public and private, than was Jos. Foltz. He was prominent in Masonry, being a member of all bodies here, and of the Consistory in Wichita. He had served as presiding officer in practically all of the local bodies. He and Mrs. Foltz were among the very oldest members of the Congregational church and for many years and up to the time of his death he served the church as financial secretary. He was a member of the Rotary club until he lost his classification when becoming postmaster, January, 1928. Mr. Foltz was serving his second term as postmaster, in which important position he had given the same care and attention to the detail of his duties that characterized his entire life,s work. His present term would have expired Jan. 1, 1936.
Mr. and Mrs. Foltz came to Newton in April, 1862, he having a position awaiting him in the hard-ware store owned by Barnett & Foltz, the latter being his brother Frank. In 1890 he was elected to the office of clerk of the district court, serving six years. He was always a staunch believer in the principles of the Republican party, and consistently supported that party,s platforms and candidates.
Leaving the office at the court house, he went to Blackwell, Okla., and helped to organize the Blackwell Milling & Elevator Co., reaming there two years, when he returned and associated himself with the G. R. Follett & Co., hard-ware business. He remained with that firm until the business was sold to Evans Brothers, in 1906. Mr. Foltz then engaged in the real estate, rentals and insurance business, which he gave up to accept the appointment as postmaster. He invested freely in Newton property, and was always a booster for his home community and its interests.
Jos. Foltz organized and was chief of the first volunteer fire department in Newton, in 1897, and soon established a state wide reputation for the speed and efficiency of his hose companies.
The life of Mr. Foltz was an open book. Never was a breath of suspicion or criticism directed at his conduct, or his methods of dealing with his fellowmen. In all organizations with wich he was associated, he gave his best efforts. For years he helped the Knights Templar drill corps win honors for the Newton Commandery. His friendship was trustworthy, his home was happy, his counsel was wise and kindly given when sought. He was a valuable citizen, an honored official, a cherished fraternity brother, a peaceable, big-hearted neighbor. All who knew him were his friends and his passing will leave an empty place in the hearts of those who had the opportunity to know his character and his true worth.
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