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Williamson, James


Kansan, Wednesday, January 30,1918

James Livingston Williamson was born Oct. 23,1845, at Pennington, N. J.

Mr. Williamson has neither brother or sister, he being an only child. His last of kin except his immediate family, a cousin, Charlie L. Williamson, died last November at Hopewell, N. J. at the age of 70 years.

Mr. Williamson was married to Chrisse H. Groome July 14,1868, at West Quincy, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Willaimson resided on a farm in New Jersey until 1872. They then moved to a farm near Fairview, Ill., where they resided until the spring of 1876, when they moved to Kansas and settled on a farm six miles southwest of Halstead. They later took up a homestead north of Burton where they remained until 1886, they then moved to Newton and Mr. Williamson engaged in the commercial business. Later Mr. Williamson was on the Newton police force for several years.

Mr. Williamson was a charter member of lodge No. 103 A. O. U. W. of Burton and always remained a faithful member. He was also an active member of camp No. 603 M. W. A. of Newton and held most every office being Venerable Consul and Manager also District Deputy, and was an active member until health failed him.

He was also an active member of the Fraternal Aid Union and was a member of the Degree of Honor and Royal Neighbors for several years and could always be depended on to do his part.

Mr. Williamson was a kind and affectionate father, a true friend. He was the father of ten children: Albert of this city, John of Denver, Mrs. W. W. Wellman of Rawlings, Wyo., Nathaniel G. who met his death on the Santa Fe railroad at Great Bend, Kan. in 1903, Mrs. Anna G. Molzen of this city, Peter L. Williamson of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mrs. Addie Reeves of Springfield, Mo., Mrs. Harriet Wells of Topeka and George, who died in infancy.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
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