Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Mack, Nobel Prentis
Newton Weekly Kansan
Newton Weekly Kansan Friday June 2, 1899. The funeral of Nobel Prentis Mack, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mack, was held Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the family home on East First street. Loving friends sent many exquisite floral tributes mute but fitting expressions of deep sympathy felt for the grief stricken parents. The services were very simple, merely a prayer by Rev. W. C. Wheeler. The death of the only child, coming at this time, is invested with a peculiar sadness. The day before was the wedding anniversary of the parents, while next Sunday the little one would have been four years old. Prentis was more than an ordinary child. He was a favorite in the office, and his bright sayings and winning ways made his visits always welcome. It mattered not in what department he went his presence was a ray of sunshine that lasted but to short a time. Just why an inscrutable providence should lay his chastening hand on fond parents it is not for us to know. Humanity struggles with its frailty to find words of consolation for the stricken ones, but we are dumb. Only a kind Heavenly Father, "who doeth all things well," can lighten their burden of sorrow.
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