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Smolt, Alfred
Kansan, Thursday, June 7, 1923.
Funeral services for the late Dr. A. E. Smolt were conducted Wednesday afternoon, May 6, at the Congregational church, attended by various societies in which he had been identified, and large numbers of friends and citizens, to pay respect and to attest their esteem of his character, service and usefulness. Among the societies attending as bodies were the Masonic organizations, the Harvey County Medical society and the nurses of Bethel hospital. Beautiful tributes in flowers wrought in designs and in sprays and growing plants were banked beautifully about the altar and pulpit and covered the casket. The service was impressive and inspiring and was marked throughout by quite simplicity.
At Greenwood Newton Lodge No. 142, A. F. & A. M. conducted the ritualistic burial service with Right Worshipful John C. Ely as master. Here the quartet sang "Rock Of Ages." The pall bearers were: L. C. Horst, Dr. R. H. Hertzler, L. C. Moore, John Hildreth, W. G. Cheney and Dr. John L. Grove.
Dr. Alfred Ernest Smolt was born October 24, 1871, at Paw Paw, Illinois. His boyhood and youth were spent on a farm near that place.
He graduated from Paw Paw High School and entered the university of Illinois. After completion of his pre-medical courses at the university he studied medicine with his brother. Dr. Charles F. Smolt, at Nickerson, Kansas.
He then entered Rush Medical College in Chicago graduating from there in 1897. Because of the high grade of his work at Rush Medical he was given charge of the hospital at Stillwater, Minnesota, maintained by the Atwood Lumber Company. After two and a half years of work at Stillwater he came to Newton to adjust the affairs of the estate of brother, Dr. C. F. Smolt. He was very favorably impressed by Kansas and Newton particularly during his stay and returned to Minnesota to make preparations for moving to Newton where he has since resided.
In February, 1902 he was married to Miss Helen Glendening of this city. Three children were born to this union, Charles Alden, Gilbert Ernest and Maurice Glen. His widow and two of the sons survive, Gilbert having died in infancy. He is also survived by one brother, Frank O. Smolt.
Dr. Smolt carried on his practice of medicine from 1900 until the 14th of February of this year(1923), when he was taken ill with a gastric ulcer, which was followed by further complications. His condition became so grave that it was deemed advisable to remove him to Kansas City that he might be under the care of specialists. In Spite of the fact that he was attended fy some of the mast able men in medical profession, all efforts were unavailing and he passed away Saturday, June 2, at Trinity Lutheran hospital, Kansas City, Mo.
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