Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Harlan, Lorin G.
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, August 27, 1926
Newton and Harvey county lost on of their oldest citizens in point of length of residence, and one of their most esteemed men, in the death of Loren G. Harlan Thursday evening, Aug. 26, at 7:00 o'clock.
Mr. Harlan had been ill and confined to his home at 923 Pine , for several months, and while everything possible was done to relieve his condition, it has been felt for several days that he could not long survive. Nevertheless , the announcement of his death has proved a shock to his many personal friends, as well as to is immediate family.
Mr. Harlan was 76 years old. He was one of the very early settlers of Harvey county, having settled on a homestead in Pleasant township in March, 1871, more than 55 years ago. He came to newton 29 years ago.
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