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Evans, Dr. Mary E
The Newton Kansan
Newton Kansan, Saturday May 11, 1968
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Evans, 46 of Mission, Kas., a former Newton resident, died Friday after a short illness.
She was born in Newton and attended schools here.
she was the senior doctors among a group of physicians practicing in the Mission area.
Dr. Evans received a bachelor of arts degree in psychology at the University of Kansas, a master of arts in child development at the University of Chicago.
Dr. Evans served her internship and residency at the University of Kansas Medical Center, specializing in pediatrics. She had practiced for 14 years.
She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary scholastic fraternities.
Dr. Evans was chosen a member of Who's Who in America for her work in establishing two of the earliest nursery schools in the United States durilng WWII at Sunflower Village at De Soto, Kas. and at Lawrence.
She was a member of the staff of Providence hospital and the KU Medical Center and was also a member of the faculty at KU Medical Center in the pediatrics department.
Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Nettie Evans of Mission; one sister, Mrs. Billie Jean Peably of Colorado Springs.
Funeral services were held at All Angels Episcopal Church in Mission. Additional services will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday Draper's Funeral Home. the Rev. Charles McGinley rector of St. Mathews Episcopal Church will officiate and burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
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