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McDaniel, Anson
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Friday, January 14, 1916.
The body of Anson McDaniel who died at Scott City at he home of his son, I. U. McDaniel, was brought home today, and the funeral services will be held at the Methodist church tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, the services to be in charge of Rev. R. L. George. his death due to a stroke of apoplexy and came to him as he was sitting in a chair.
Mr. McDaniel was born in Grafton, West Virginia, November 8, 1840. Parents Issac and Nancy (Luzader) McDaniel. He was married there to Amanda Weaver in 1860. At the call of his country he enlisted in Co. h Twelfth West Virginia Infantry and was ever proud that it had been his privilege to serve his country.
In April of 1872, Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel and seven of their children came to Kansas and homesteaded on the farm in Pleasant township which has always remained the family home and where Mr. McDaniel spent most of the declining years of his life with his son, A. L. McDaniel. He was active and loved to be among his children and friends, his favorite exercise being to walk to Newton to visit his sons and their families living here. He was a great traveler and thought nothing of a trip to California or even to Canada to visit his brothers or children.
Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel and they had the sorrow of losing their first born, Francis Marion after he had reached the age of twenty-six, and their youngest Howard Anson, who was four years old at the time of his death. The children in order of their birth were: Francis Marion, Mrs. J. T. Black, of Boulder, Mrs. Otto(Elizabeth J.) Koerner, of Newton, I. U. McDaniel, of Scott City, C. C. and E. W. McDaniel, of Newton, C. W. McDaniel, of Hutchinson. A. L. McDaniel, of Newton, Mrs. Hester Converse, of Wichita, Mrs. William Wood, of Alberta, Canada, Mrs. Longenecker, of Ogeltree, Kansas, and Howard Anson, who died as a little boy. He is survived by thirty-five grandchildren including the son of his eldest born who lives in Toledo, Ohio. Four brothers are still living, one in California, two in Grafton, West Virginia, and one, D. C. McDaniel, of Wichita.
Mrs. McDaniel died August 28, 1905, and since her going he has tried to be with as many of his children as often and as much as possible.
He and his wife were members of the Methodist church for a half a century.
He had always lived a quite life enjoying his farm and his friends and friends are shocked at his sudden going while glad that he could have been active and happy until the very last.
Children: Francis Marion b:7-23-1861 Grafton, W. Virginia
Mellissa Catherine b: 5-26-1864 Grafton, W. Virgina
Elizabeth Jane b: 3-28-1864 Grafton, W. Virginia
Issac Uriah b: 12-14-1865 Grafton, W. Virginia
Christopher Columbus b: 10-7-1867 Grafton, W. Virginia
Ernest Winifred b: 5-12-1870 Newton, Kansas
Charles Wesley b: 1-9-1872 Newton, Kansas
Albert Laferty b: 9-15-1874 Newton, Kansas
Hester Louella b: 1-29-1877 Newton, Kansas
Minnie Aron b: 1-4-1879 Newton, Kansas
Maggie Bell b: 12-21-1881 Newton, Kansas
Harvey Anson b: 4-11-1888 Newton, Kansas
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