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McDaniel, Ernest W
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Thursday, January 24, 1918.
Ernest W. McDaniel was born near Grafton W. Virginia. March 7, 1870, and came with his parents to Newton, Kansas, April 22, 1872, where he resided until his death, January 19, 1918.
He enlisted July 29, 1899 in Co. D. 32nd U. S. volunteer infantry for service in the Philippines, where eighteen months, during which time he was promoted to corporal and was wounded in action, October, 8, 1900.
He was married to Mrs. Nellie Russell, December 25, 1902, and to them were born two children, Nellie Lillian, aged 14 years and Clyde Ernest, 9 years old. At the time of his marriage to Mrs. McDaniel she had four children, Mrs. Rose Kauth, Mrs Carrie Weston, Carl Russell, and Mrs. Bernice Young, to whom he took the place of a father.
There are also four brothers and five sisters to mourn his death. Mrs. George Black, Mrs. Otto Koerner, I. U. McDaniel, C. C. McDaniel, C. W. McDaniel, A. L. McDaniel, Mrs. Hester Converse, Mrs. Minnie Wood and Mrs. Vern Longenecker.
Mr. McDaniel united with the Christian church in October, 1893 and was a firm believer in God.
He had been in the employ of the Santa Fe about twelve years.
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