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Woulfe, William
Kansan, Saturday, October 11, 1913
William Woulfe was born in Lockport, New york, in December 1853, and when a small child moved with his parents to Jackson, Mich., where he grew to manhood. His father, Robert which incapacitated him for the heavy settling in Newton and established a small coal and building material business on East third street. The following year his son William, arrived here and entered into the business with his father, and from that time until his death he has continued to be in this business, being instrumental in building it up to an institution which has proven a credit to Newton, having as a partner M. McGraw.
On May 22, 1888, Mr. Woulfe was united in marriage to Miss Belinda Johnson, who with their two children Robert and Grace, survive him. He is also survived by a sister Mrs. M. McGraw, and a brother Robert, both of Newton.
Aside from the fuel business, Mr. Woulfe has been a member of the firm of the Newton Ice Company, holding the office of treasurer until his health failed. He was also treasurer of the Masonic order for twenty years and has been director of the Home State Bank and had several terms as a member of the board of education. Six years ago he suffered a stroke of apoplexy which incapacitated him from the heavy mental strain of the business, but did not disable him, and he was a very familiar figure on the streets, where his friends were wont to greet him daily until fourteen months ago when paralysis made him an invalid. He improved somewhat so that he was able to go in his wheel chair from his home rto the office of McGraw & Woulfe, all during the summer, where he spent a few hours each morning. Mr. Woulfe made his usual visit to the office Thursday morning in apparently as good condition as customary. In the evening his family and other relatives visited with him and found him usual good spirits, his cheerfulness being especially noticed. He slept well and it was after receiving his morning bath that his nurse glanced at him to find that he was sinking. He passed away peacefully as he had oft been heard to say that he hoped he might die.
The funeral service will be held at the family residence 312 East Third street Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. J. B. McCuish, D. D., and the services at the grave will be in charge of the Masonic order.
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