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Nebergall, Guy

Son of Andrew S. and Mary E. Nebergal. Lived with Parents on family farm in Highland township Harvey county as shown in 1895 Kansas census. Enlisted in the Kansas 20th Vol. Inft. and was sent to the Philippines where he died of illness. Guy was born in Henderson County, Illinois, Sept. 7,1870. He was the first born. The family moved here about a year after his birth and Harvey county was his home till the age of seventeen. He was a pupil of the district schools, an industrious boy at home, well liked by his associates and had promise of a successful life. at seventeen, he went to Peabody and learned telegraphy in the Rock Island office where he was a faithful employee for three or four years. From there he went to Fort Madison, and entered the service of the Santa Fe, having a clerkship in the superintendent's office. He stayed there about a year, and his close application to his duties undermined his health, necessitating his resignation. He spent some time after that, running around through Texas and the Indian Territory, trying to regain his health. He spent the summer of 1896 at the family home, the last time he was there except in March, 1898, when he made a short visit before he enlisted. He was at work at that time in the smelting works around Pittsburg and Iola. He enlisted May 10, 1898, at Iola and was examined at Fort Scott. While the regiment was at Topeka before leaving for the front his father went there to visit him. Six mourn his loss: His father and mother, two brothers Clyde and Jesse, and two sisters, Mrs. J. A. Evans and Grace, All live here except Mrs. Evans, whose home is in Illinois. Mr. Nebergall will make an effort to have the body shipped home for interment as soon as possible. Our hero will then be laid to rest with the honors due him as a brave soldier and patriot.

His body was returned to Newton in February of 1900. The body of Guy Nebergall arrived in the city Sunday and was taken to the undertaking rooms of Edwards & Schmacher. The corpse was in a zinc case, hermetically sealed, which fitted in a good crepe covered casket. This was shipped in a box of inch- and a- quarter redwood, thoroughly disinfected. The box and contents weighed 650 pounds. On the lid of the box was this certificate. Manila, P. I., Dec. 28, 1899. I certify that Guy Nebergall, private of Co. I, 20th Kansas, died of typhoid at Manila, May 3, 1899, and his remains have been placed in a proper hermetically sealed casket and that their removal will not endanger public health. H. P. Birmingham , Surgeon, U. S. A. The removal permit duly attested by the health authorities of San Francisco, Feb. 13, was also on the box.

The body of Guy Nebergall was taken to the Methodist church Wednesday. The casket was draped with the flag for which he gave his life. On it was placed the floral tribute from Co. D, a shield made of red, white and blue flowers with the letter "D" on the face.

In striving to honor the memory of Guy Negergall, this community has not done to much---nay, it cannot do to much. He was an honest man, a useful citizen, a true Kansan, an ideal soldier and a patriot.

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