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Walton, Jane

Evening Kansan Republican

Evening Kansan Republican, Monday, December 24, 1900

Jane I. Walton was laid to rest in Newton Cemetery this afternoon. Funeral largely attended.

The funeral of Jane Walton was held at the family residence on West Fifth street this afternoon a 2:30 o'clock and was largely attended by friends. Rev. W. A. Elliott of the Baptist church conducted the services. A quartet composed of Madames Catlin and Alspaugh and Mears., Tom Powell and Carl Kinney rendered appropriate music.

Jane Isherwood Walton was born in Cheshire, England, September 21, 1821. At the age eighteen years she married James Walton, and in 1846, with their three children, moved to Newburg, N. Y. where they made their home until 1854; then their family of six children, they moved on a farm near Darlington, Wisconsin. This was the home and birthplace of the younger members of the family, until 1875, when they moved to Newton, Kansas, and in 1878 the husband and father was laid to rest. Since that time this city has been her home.

Mrs. Walton has been in ill health for several years. Her comfort was at home with her family. Rather than join in on outside pleasures, she would say, "I had rather be at home." Besides her family of eleven children, she leaves one brother, of a family of eight children, James Isherwood of Fall River, Mass., to mourn her loss. She was in her eightieth year, was confined to her bed only five weeks.

She became a Christian before leaving England, and at that time united with the Church of Christ. She died firm in the faith in which she lived, never complaining of her sickness, but patient and satisfied, and would often say to those around her, "Don't worry, it is all right."

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date24 Dec 1900
Linked toJane (Isherwood) Walton

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