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Johnson, George W
Evening Kansan Republican
Evening Kansan Republican, Wednesday, November 13, 1907
George W. Johnson, who died Tuesday morning November 5th at 3:30 o'clock after an illness with dropsy and heart trouble, was born August 7, 1841 in Ohio county, Indiana. He moved yo Harvey county twenty-two years ago, since which time has lived on a farm here. He was married to Sophrona Monroe at Rising Sun, Ind., Feb., 14, 1869, four children being born to this union. Of these Mrs. Ita Tuttle is dead but the following survive: John M. of Stafford; James K., living east of Newton; and Mrs. Will Fluke, living southeast of Newton. The wife also survives.
The funeral services were held Wednesday, Nov. 6th, Rev. R. R. Flemming conducting. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery.
During the twenty-two years of his life in Harvey county, Mr. Johnson was a highly esteemed citizen, a good neighbor, and a kind father and husband. His death is deeply mourned by those that knew him and had learned to respect him.
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