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DeWalt, Bessie Ione
The Newton Kansan
Newton Kansan Jan 21,1928. Funeral services for Bessie Ione DeWalt were conducted at the Christian church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, by Rev. Harold E. Dickins, pastor,and interment was made in Greenwood Cemetery. The spacious church was packed with sorrowing, sympathizing friends,while all available space was banked with a profusion of floral tokens of the esteem in which Miss De-Walt, was held.Bessie Ione, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. DeWalt, was born in Armstrong,Mo, Dec 14,1903, and passed away at here home, Newton, Kans,Jan 15,1928, age 24 years, one month.In 1907 she came with her parents to Newton where the home continues to be,she was a member of the Newton High School graduating class of 1922, but her educational preparation did not stop there for she spent one year at Bethel Collage and one year at Howard Collage, Fauette, Mo. Two years were spent as a stenographer in the office of the Newton Milling & Elevator Co., and two years teaching at Diamond school, district 54 in Sedgwick township.Over a decade ago she confessed her faith in her lord and master, uniting with the Newton Christian church in wich she always proved a tried,true and faithful servant of Christ;always and ever ready and willing to use her talents for the building of the kingdom and the glorifying of His blessed name. Some years ago she offered herself on the alter of consecration,God willing, to use her in full time service at home or abroad, but it was her lot to spend her years of usefulness at home midst her loved ones and friends.Dependable, lovable,giving unstintingly of her time, always with her contagious smile, hiding many times a weaking constitution, exceeding her physical condition, she pressed on with her school,attending her church even to the day of her physical collapse,a true, stalwart soldier of the Cross. she was a member of the Dorcas Class, Christian Endeavor Society, Circle Girls and all organizations in the church dealing with the youth. Her going is not only a bereavement to her immediate family but to the whole church community.There are no regrets over the life she lived for it was an open book out of God's sunshine for everyone to see and read. It was a life well lived,conscientious and consecrated to the last degree,one beautiful example of the life it is possible to live in Christ Jesus. Her half brother Clyde Edwards, preceded her to the beyond exactly fifteen years ago, Jan 14,1913.She leaves to mourn her going her father and mother and one sister, Thelma, and the entire community sorrowing and saddened
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