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Glendening, Fannie

Evening Kansan Republican

Evening Kansan Republican, Saturday, April 20, 1918

The many friends of Mrs. H. C. Glendening and her family, were shocked to learn this morning of her death which occurred this morning at 11 o,clock at Bethel hospital, caused by acute obstuction of the bowels.

Mrs. Glendening had only been sick since Thursday but it was not thought until very early this morning that the condition was so critical and that the end was so near.

Her daughters, Mrs. A. E. Smolt and Mrs. C. B. Warkentine make their homes in Newton and never lacked in their devotion to their mother. Her sons, Arthur who lives in the state of Washington, and Will, whose home is in Utah, have been notified and the funeral arrangements await word of their coming.

Mr. Glendening died nearly seven years ago leaving Mrs. Glendening alone in the home which was so dear to her and which she could not be persuaded to leave excepting for brief visits with her children and grandchildren near by.

The family has lived in Newton for many years and are highly esteemed and the passing of Mrs. Glendening will bring sorrow and regret to the hearts of many.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Linked toFannie Chappell Glendening

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