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Danforth, Mary May

The Newton Kansan

Kansan, Monday, April 23, 1928.

Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Danforth, 424 Walnut, were shocked and grief-stricken Sunday afternoon to learn that their little daughter Mary may, almost two years old, had passed at two o'clock Sunday afternoon.

Mary May was a bright, vivacious child, popular and a favorite with all who knew her. She was apparently well and in the best of health Saturday evening, and was up town with her parents. During the night she developed what has been pronounced as acute attack of pneumonia, her temperature rising to 107, and she was taken to Bethel hospital where everything within the power of human hands and ingenuity was done to relieve the condition without avail, and she passed away as above stated. She was born may 14, 1926.

Funeral services will be conducted at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. May, 204 West Broadway, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30, by Mary May's uncle, Dr. J. W. Abel of Hutchinson and Miss Katherine Abel will sing favorite songs. The babe was christened by Dr. Abel in the College Hill M. E. church at Wichita on Children's Day June 12, 1927, Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery, in charge of the Sprinker Mortuary.

Mr. Danforth is a train dispatcher for the Santa Fe. He and Mrs. Danforth, who was formerly Miss Lillian may, have the sympathy of all in their irreparable sorrow.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
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