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Rickman, Patrick
The Evening Kansan Republican
Evening Kansan Republican, Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1926
Not withstanding that they have known for some time that Patrick Rickman has been very ill, his friends were nevertheless shocked to learn of his death, which occurred Tuesday night at 10:30 at the home, 302 West Tenth. He had been ill for several months. He was 69 tears, six months and 23 days old.
Mr. Rickman is survived by his widow, two children, Mrs. Keene Rossiter and Lloyd Rickman, both of Newton and three brothers, Jake Rickman of Newton, Phillip of San Francisco, Calif., and Robert of Denver. U. S. and William Rickman of Newton are half brothers.
Pat Rickman came to Newton from Tennessee in 1879, and this city has been his home since that time. He was a brick mason by trade, and one of the best known workman in this section, as well as one of the most dependable, respected workmen. Many a building in this part of Kansas stands today as a monument to his skill and industry.
Funeral services will be held at the Second Baptist church, corner of Third and Oak, Friday morning at 10:00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Hawkins, pastor. Interment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
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