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Dexter, James

July 28, 1913. James Dexter was born at Youngstreet, Canada, Nov. 20, 1830, and died at Newton, Kansas, July 24, 1913. He was the oldest of twelve children, of which Mrs. Eizabeth Coffey of Denver, Colo., is the only one surviving. His parents moved to the states when he was four years old. At the age of seven his parents took him to Lee county, Ill., where he lived until 1876. From Illinois he came to Newton, Kansas. Here he bought a farm south of town. After his retirement from active farm life he entered the real estate business in Newton.James Dexter was married twice. There were four children by the first marriage,one of whom, Mrs Jessie Wilder, is still living and resides at Belding, Mich. On December 20, 1868, he married Miss Olive D. Lyon of Cuba N. Y. To them were born three children. Mrs. Eva West of Newton and Ray Dexter of Newton. His gracious, sweet spirited wife was called to rest Jan. 17, 1905. In Aug., 1862, he enlisted in the civil war, serving in company E of the 75th Illinois infantry. Although wounded he served until the close of the war. He enlisted at third Sargent and was discharged a first lieutenant.Brother Dexter has always taken an active interest in the moral uplift of our community. He was among those who organized the First Baptist Church of Newton on August7, 1877. The church from the day of its organization has received his loyal interest and support. Evert office with the exception of the pastorate has been honored by his services. At the time of his death he was trustee and deacon in the church. He will be greatly missed from the membership of the church and by a large circle of friends.But all rejoice with him that he has responded to the call from the heavenly Home. The funeral service were held at the Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 3:oo o'clock, in charge of rev. J. J. Runyon, Rev. W. A. Elliot, of Ottawa former pastor of the church and a warm friend and advisor of Mr. Dexter delivered a very fine sermon, drawing many useful and valuable lessons from the life of the man who had just departed for his eternal peace.

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