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Haas, Charles B

The Newton Kansan

Kansan' Friday, May 3, 1901


Died in this city last night- served on the "Constitution"

There died in this city last night a man who was a remarkable one in many respects, but who was not very well known in the city. His name is Charles B. Haas and he has been living at 316 Ash street, next to the Colored Baptist church. He was a more than ordinarily eventful life and it seems a pity that no more careful and detailed account of his life is available.
Mr. Haas was born in Geneva, New York, August 26, 1826. He had lived until next August he would have been seventy-five years old. Of his early life little is known, but it was filled with adventure. Shortly before the war with Mexico he enlisted in the navy and for a long time served on board the frigate Constitution a war ship which occupies a warm place in the affections of the American people, and about which cluster memories of many a hard fought engagement and glorious achievement. It was while a sailor aboard this historic vessel that he received injuries from which he suffered the rest of his life and for which he drew a pension of $30 a month. He fell from the rigging of the ship to the deck and was badly injured about the breast. During his term of service as a sailor Haas sailed pretty well over the globe, having been along the shore of Africa, Asia, South America, Australia and all parts of North America. His first service was as a messenger boy for Commodore O.H. Perry and later he served under many of the captains and commanders who afterwards became the great naval heroes of the civil war. Haas was gifted with a wonderfully active memory and could tell many interesting stories of scenes in foreign lands and of incidents in the lives of the great men under whom he served. Especially fascinating were his stories of life aboard ship in the forties. Mr. Haas came to Kansas in the fall of 1871 and settled on a claim near Syracuse. Finding the land of little or no value on account of the scarcity of water, he came to Harvey county a couple of years after and settled on the west half of the southwest quarter of section 16, Walton township. He remained there a number of years farming, and then accepted a position in the machine shops of the Santa Fe at Newton. In this work he continued until a few years ago when old age forced him to give it up. He has since been living with his wife at 316 Ash street.
Mr. Haas was the oldest of a family of fourteen. He leaves a wife and two sons; George of Arkansas City, and L.S., of Beggs, I. T. He was at one time a member of the Walton post the G. A. R. He has been married three times. Until recently his health had been good but about ten days ago he was taken ill and death came last night.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
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