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Horan, Frances
Frances Ruth Horan, 94, passed away on Sept. 9, 2010 in Santa Rosa, Calif.
She was born on May 14, 1916, to A.J. Regier and Suzanne Bargen Regier in Mountain Lake, Minnesota. She was the wife of the late William Edward Odell, who died in 1943, just prior to the birth of their daughter Gretta, and the late Francis E. Horan, who passed away in 2000.
In 1938, she graduated from Bethel College in North Newton and subsequently taught school. She was a longtime member of the Presbyterian Church and a devoted member of PEO. She was active in volunteer work with the disadvantaged throughout her life. She did superb needlepoint projects, loved to cook and entertain, and easily made lasting friendships in the many places she lived. Always a very active woman, she took up tap dancing between the ages of 70 and 80. One of a kind, she will be missed by all who knew her.
She was the mother of Gretta Moorhead (Justin) of Philadelphia and St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Tom Horan of Menlo Park, Calif., Kathy Horan of Santa Rosa, and Kevin Horan (Nancy) of Langley, Wash.; grandmother of Sesyle, Ted, Julia, Ben and Harry; and sister of Margaret Rich and Donna Klaassen (Melvin), both of North Newton.
Private interment will be in Hot Springs Village, Ark.
If desired, memorial donations honoring her may be made to The Dictionary Project, c/o Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, P.O. Box 11790, St. Thomas, VI 00801; or the charity of your choice. To contact the family, write or call Kathy Horan, 3208 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 or (707) 579-2431.
Owner of original | Harvey County Genealogical Society |
Date | 09 Sep 2010 |
Linked to | Frances Ruth Horan |
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