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Green, Wilhelnine "Augusta"

The Newton Kansan

Kansan, Tuesday, November 17, 1942

Wilhelmine Louise Aguste Gronemann(Gruenemann) was born in Hannover July 15, 1855. In the church of her home town of Berka she confessed her faith and was admitted to the membership of the church on march 21, 1869.

In 1878 she came with her parents to America locating first Minnesota, then in 1879 in McPherson county, Kansas. In March 1880 she was united in marriage to Christian Green. She was the mother of five children, three of which with her husband preceded her in death, her daughter Anna only a few weeks ago. Since 1897 she lived on the home place, a few miles north of Newton.

On Sunday, Oct. 25, she fell breaking her thigh. From that day on she rapidly failed in physical strength till at 4:40 p.m. on Tuesday she quietly went to sleep in peace aged 87 years, 4 months and 3 days to be awakened when her masters voice shall call all the sleeping out of their graves to appear before him on that great day.

Mourning her death are her sons Albert and Adolph of Newton, her daughter, Minnie Kater of Newton, two brothers, Adolph Gronemann of Hesston and Herman Gronemann of Newton.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Linked toWilhelmine Louise Auguste Gronemann Greene

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