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Green, Herman
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Saturday, October 12, 1918
The funeral of Private Herman H. Green was held yesterday afternoon at 3:00 p.m., from his late parental home, three and one half miles north of Newton, and 4:oo p.m. from Immanuel's Evangelical church, corner Plum and seventh streets, the Rev H. F. Hass assisted by the Rev. J. F. W. Helmcamp, officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. Emil Ingold, Fred Scheffler, Frank Kater, Carl Kater, Arthur Smith and Jim McAu---.
Herman Heinrich Christian Green, son of Christian Green and his wife, Augusta Gronemann, was born on the 24th of September, 1888, near Newton, Kansas. He was a young man never known to leave his home, finding his only recreation and pleasure in the faithful discharge of his duties required of him at home and in his church. On the 22nd of July, 1918, he was called to the colors and ordered to Camp Funston. While there he became sick and could not remain with his company, which left for over seas duty. After his recovery he was removed to Camp Meade, Md., on the 16th of September, there joining the medical department under the command of Captain B. Cregar. October 5, 1918, at 3:45 p.m., he died of pneumonia and influenza, having reached the age of 30 years and eleven days.
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