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Finnell, Nettie
The Evening Kansan
Monday. August 31, 1925. The Evening Kansan.
Nettie Leuella Merriam, later Mrs. J. W. Finnell, was born Nov. 30, 1866 in Summit county, Ohio, and died Aug. 26, 1925, at her home,610 East fifth in Newton. death came after a long period of suffering endured with great patience fortified by a great faith in her redeemer.
At the age of seven years she came with her parents and one sister to Kansas, locating in Marion county, on Nov. 11, 1888, she was married to John wesley Finnell at Florence, Kansas, Mr. Finnell being employed in the train service of the santa Fe at that time. Later they moved to Arkansas City where they resided for several years, and about 1898 they came to Newton to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Finnell were the parents of five children, Ralph of Parsons, Kansas, Mrs.[Pearl] Merrell of Newton, Lauren, who made the supreme sacrifice in the World War, Charles of Chickasha, Okla., and Nell, who is at the family home. She is also survived by her husband, one sister, Mrs. George Golding, and six grandchildren.
Mrs. Finnell was a member of the Themian club, the Degree of Honor the Eastern Star, The Gold star and the American Legion Auxiliary.
Funeral services were held Saturday morning, Aug. 29, at 9:30 at the home and at 10 o'clock at the Congregational church, conducted by the Rev. W. E. Lanphear. The Eastern star ritualistic service was also conducted at the church. The pall bearers were the two sons, the son-in-law, a grandson, Creighton Merrell, and two nephews, Lauren and Ernest Golding. Burial took place in Greenwood cemetery.
The offices of the city, in whose service Mr. Finnell is employed, and of the Newton Gas Company where Miss Nell Finnell has a position, and several other places of business were closed during the funeral service.
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