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Grove, Bennett
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Thursday, July 12, 1928
Bennett Grove, one of the best known citizens of harvey county, and one who has been here for the past 46 years, highly respected by all who knew him, passed away at his home, 120 East Ninth, Wednesday evening July 11, about 7:00 o'clock at the age of 61 years, nine months and 27 days. Mr. Grove had been confined to his home by illness for about two years.
Bennett Grove was born September 14, 1866, near Farmland, Randolph county, Ind. He was converted as a lad of 15 years and joined the Methodist church, transferring his membership here after establishing his home in Newton. He served the church here as treasure and for many years was superintendent of the Sunday school.
Mr. Grove was a studious man, thro-going, and a friend of education as well as being a splendid educator himself. He moved to a farm in Macon township in 1882. He attended the Halstead seminary in 1883 and 1884 and taught his first school at district 64 in 1865. He graduated from the Kansas State Normal in 1894, and the following year occurred his marriage to Miss Nora J. Hackney, who with their son Elvin L., and grand children Duane and Janora, survive. He also leaves his mother Mrs. Louisa Grove, sisters Rilla and Ethel all of this city three brothers, Will on the home farm west of Newton, Orville, St. Louis, Mo. and Logan of San Antonio, Tex. another brother, Roy is deceased.
Mr. Grove continued his work in the schools of the county, teaching at Halstead in 1887. He was elected county superintendent and served from 1898 to 1902. He taught in the Newton city schools the following two years, and then went to Cherryvale, were he taught two years, returning here to serve the city schools as principal of one of the grade buildings in 1907 and 1908. He then served as county treasurer from 1909 to 1915. When his term of office expired he again joined the city school system was a member of the High School faculty from 1916 until 1926, when his health failed and he was compelled to give up his active work. He served the community in many ways, one of which was a member of the Free Library board for many years.
He was associated with many of the civic and social activities of the community, being a member of Newton Lodge No. 142, A. F. & A. M.,; Arkansas Valley chapter No. 27, R. A. M.; Newton Commandery No. 9, K. T.; Wichita council No. 12, R. & S. M.; Newton Lodge No. 100 I. O. O. F., the Modern Woodmen and the A. O. U. W.
Even tho unable to occupy his usual active place in the community affairs for several months, Bennett Grove will be sorely missed by all who knew him, and knew is worth as a man and citizen.
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