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Welsh, William
The Newton Weekly Kansan Republican
The Newton Weekly Kansan Republican, Friday,December 8, 1899
AT 2 O'clock
From Monday's daily.
After two days suffering from the effects of a paralytic stroke, W. G. Welsh died this morning at 6:15. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 O'clock at the M. E. church. Rev. E. C. Beach will conduct the services and will be assisted by Rev. H. Waitt of Wichita, if the latter can be present. The G. A. R. post will officiate at the grave.
William Gordon Welsh was born in Welshfield, Geauga, Ohio, October 25, 1827, in which town he lived till the spring of 1879. In February 1857, he was married to Maria L. Gilbert, at Newberry, Ohio. No children were born to them. Mrs. M. L. Sawyer, a niece, made her home with them, and mourns his death as a daughter. A. L. Welsh, of Oklahoma City, a nephew, was present when the end came. In 1879 Mr. and Mrs. Welsh came to Newton, where they have resided ever since. Mr. Welsh engaged in the furniture business several years, selling out to retire from active duties. He served the city one term as a member. He enlisted in the Ninth Ohio Battery, October 11, 1861, and served his country faithfully three years. He joined Judson Kilpatrick Post April 5, 1884, and at the time of his death, was one of the oldest members of the order. For forty-six years he was an Odd Fellow, retaining his membership in the lodge in Ohio. His remains will be deposited in their last resting place by his old comrades, T. M. Hedges, James Sanner, T. P. Murphy, E. Sikes, J. C. Johnson and B. F. Mears.
Mr. Welsh was a valiant soldier of the cross. For thirty years he gave his best effort to the Methodist church, in which he was a great worker, holding official positions many years. Although the summons came suddenly, he was prepared and not afraid to go.
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