Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Lonewolf, William
Sedgwick Pantagraph
William Lonewolf was born of Indian parentage at Elk Creek, Oklahoma March 15, 1879. He spent five years in the Indian school at Chilloco and then entered Carlisle, from which he was graduated.
After several years in teaching he entered Haskell Institute at Lawrence, Kansas from which he was graduated in 1904. It was there that he met Miss Nannie Greyeyes, an Indian maiden, who became his wife November 7, 1904. Six children were born to them, four of whom Winono, aged 10, Otto aged 8, Wihoma aged 7 and Helen Chequitz aged 6, together with his wife survive him. His parents and a sister and brother also still live in Oklahoma.
The family came to Sedgwick three years ago, where Mr. Lonewolf worked as a blacksmith for some time, he having learned the trade in school. During the storm last Friday he took refuge in the barn of his home in the southeast corner of Sedgwick and when the barn was blown away he was severly injured. He was taken to Axtell hospital at Newton, where all possible was done for him, but broken ribs had pierced the lungs and he died at the hospital Sunday.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Charles N. Husband at the Sedgwick Congregational Church where the children attend Sunday school. Tuesday afternoon the body was buried at Hillside Cemetery.
Sedgwick Pantagraph 31 May 1917
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